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在 Xstring 变量中将智能表单转换为 PDF

[英]Convert a Smart Form into PDF in an Xstring variable

I have to generate a Smart Form in PDF format.我必须生成 PDF 格式的智能表单。 I have to save this output (in any possible format which I would say is type either string or xstring ) in a Z table so it can be generated again without the processing.我必须将此输出(以任何可能的格式,我会说是类型stringxstring )保存在 Z 表中,以便无需处理即可再次生成。

Could you please clarify if there is any way of saving the Smart Form PDF in xstring type?您能否澄清一下是否有任何方法可以将 Smart Form PDF 保存为xstring类型?

I have looked into the output of function module that generates the Smart Form and tried to look for xstring but was unable to find it.我查看了生成智能表单的功能模块的输出,并试图寻找xstring但找不到。

In the CONTROL_PARAMETERS importing parameter of the function module you use to output the Smart Form, pass the field GETOTF = 'X' in order to receive the field OTF_DATA from the exporting parameter JOB_OUTPUT_INFO .在用于输出智能表单的功能模块的CONTROL_PARAMETERS导入参数中,传递字段GETOTF = 'X'以便从导出参数JOB_OUTPUT_INFO OTF_DATA

Then you can convert the field OTF_DATA into PDF format with the function module CONVERT_OTF .然后您可以使用功能模块CONVERT_OTF将字段 OTF_DATA 转换为 PDF 格式。

That gives you a binary table that you can convert to the xstring type using the function module SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING .这为您提供了一个二进制表,您可以使用功能模块SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING将其转换为xstring类型。

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