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[英]How to change href and onclick function of a download button based on device width


<a href="url" onclick="function"; class="btn btn-primary js-scroll-trigger download">Download</a>

In this answer you learn that there are many method of obtaining the device width in js. 这个答案中,您了解到有很多方法可以在js中获取设备宽度。 One of the best them is the one below: 最好的一种是以下一种:

const mq = window.matchMedia( "(min-width: 500px)" );

if (mq.matches) {
  // window width is at least 500px
} else {
  // window width is less than 500px

So you can do something like (resize window to test for small size): 因此,您可以执行以下操作(调整窗口大小以测试是否较小):

 var a_element; function changeHref() { const mq = window.matchMedia( "(min-width: 500px)" ); a_element = document.querySelector(".download"); if (mq.matches) a_element.href = "http://www.google.com"; else a_element.href = "http://www.duckgogo.com"; } changeHref(); console.log(a_element.href); 
 <a href="url" onclick="function"; class="btn btn-primary js-scroll-trigger download">Download</a> 

Dont use width in javascript. 不要在JavaScript中使用width。 Have 3 anchor tags, show only 1 at once using media queries width 具有3个定位标记,使用媒体查询宽度一次仅显示1个

<a onclick="function1()"; class="showOnDesktopOnlyUsingMediaQuery">Download Desktop</a>
<a onclick="function2()"; class="showOnTabletOnlyUsingMediaQuery">Download Tablet</a>
<a onclick="function3()"; class="showOnMobileOnlyUsingMediaQuery">Download Mobile</a>

You can accomplish without even using JavaScript. 您甚至不需要使用JavaScript就可以完成任务。 CSS Media Queries are designed exactly for this type of thing. CSS Media Queries正是为此类型而设计的。 You make 3 separate <a> tags, and alternate between display:inline or display:none based on the media queries. 您制作3个单独的<a>标签,并根据媒体查询在display:inlinedisplay:none之间交替。 For example, on a mobile screen, both the desktop and tablet links will be set to display:none while the mobile link will be set to display:inline . 例如,在移动屏幕上,桌面和平板电脑链接都将设置为display:none而移动链接将设置为display:inline

But if you really need to use JS though, you can do something like the following. 但是,如果您确实需要使用JS,则可以执行以下操作。


 <a href="#" id="link-change" class="btn btn-primary js-scroll-trigger download">Download</a>

JavaScript: JavaScript:

var link = document.getElementById("link-change");

var mobile = "url-mobile";
var tablet = "url-tablet";
var desktop = "url-desktop";

link.onclick = function(){
   if(screen.width < 768){
      link.href = mobile;
   } else if(screen.width < 1024){
      link.href = tablet;
   } else {
      link.href = desktop;

You may need to change the breakpoints (1024px, 768px) I just used those off the top of my head for this example. 您可能需要更改断点(1024像素,768像素),在本示例中,我只是使用了断点。

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