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IE9 中的 jQuery.dialog() UI 故障

[英]jQuery.dialog() UI glitch in IE9

I implemented a simple jQuery UI (1.9.2) dialog modal that will show a form when the user clicks.我实现了一个简单的 jQuery UI (1.9.2) 对话框模式,它将在用户单击时显示一个表单。 It works as expected in all modern browsers.它在所有现代浏览器中都按预期工作。 In IE8, it fails.在 IE8 中,它失败了。 In IE9, it works only after opening developer tools 1 time (ie, pressing F12).在IE9中,只有打开开发者工具1次(即按F12)后才有效。 Specifically, the dialog will open but it will not close.具体来说,对话框将打开但不会关闭。

For certain, there is a script error that occurs that does not bubble up to the console because I have validation on the form submission that also does not fire.可以肯定的是,发生的脚本错误不会冒泡到控制台,因为我对表单提交进行了验证,但也没有触发。 Please advise.请指教。 I can live with no support for IE8, but the fact that it works for IE9 only after developer tools is opened (even after closing it), is really puzzling me.我可以忍受不支持 IE8,但它仅在开发人员工具打开后(甚至在关闭它之后)才适用于 IE9,这让我很困惑。

Link to code form (3rd page in): https://www.panelistsurvey.com/se/6321D147384607F3代码表链接(第 3 页): https ://www.panelistsurvey.com/se/6321D147384607F3

Landing page - just press next登陆页面 - 只需按下一步

Page 1 - choose yes第 1 页 - 选择是

Page 2 - choose 1第 2 页 - 选择 1

Page 3 - this is where the modal should appear when you click the cat check box.第 3 页 - 这是当您单击 cat 复选框时模态应出现的位置。

function LoadPage() {
    var isTestMode = ['%[TestMode]Q11LBL%'].toString().toLowerCase() === 'true';
    var css = $('<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.9.2/themes/base/jquery-ui.css">');
    var force_ie9 = $('<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=9" />');
    if ($('html').attr('class').match(/ie9/gi)) {
    $.getScript("https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.9.2/jquery-ui.min.js").done(function(script, textStatus) {
        $('.ncp_img').addClass('edit').css('z-index', '50');

        $('.animal_container').each(function(index, element) {
            var dialog_title = "Cat " + (index + 1).toString();
            var handler = $('.question:first input[id]').filter(function(input_index, input_element) {
                return ToInt($(input_element).attr('id').split('_').pop()) === ToInt(index + 1);
            var edit_button = $('<insert class="edit">Please select to enter information.</insert>');
            var status_icon = $('<insert class="alert"></insert>');
            var not_ready_img = $('<img src="https://www.panelistsurvey.com/static/15.1/images/warning.png" />');
            var ready_img = $('<img class="green-check" src="/AppData/1663160647/Group%20Media/green-check.jpg" />');

                autoOpen: false,
                modal: true,
                title: dialog_title,
                maxWidth: 450,
                minHeight: 600,
                closeOnEscape: false,
                position: {
                    my: "left top",
                    at: "left top",
                    of: $(window)
                resize: function(event, ui) {
                    return false;
                buttons: [{
                        text: "Save",
                        click: function() {
                        text: "Cancel",
                        click: function() {
                open: function(event, ui) {
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        if (ToInt($('.ui-dialog:visible').length) > 0) {
                                my: "left top",
                                at: "left top",
                                of: $(window)
                    }, 50);
                beforeClose: function(event, ui) {
                    var cat_name = $.trim($(element).find('[type="text"]').val()).length > 0;
                    var cat_info = $(element).find('select').filter(function(select_index, select_element) {
                        return $(select_element).val() > 0;
                    }).length === $(element).find('select').length;
                    console.log('Cat name: ' + cat_name);
                    console.log('Cat info: ' + cat_info);
                    if ((cat_name === true) && (cat_info === true)) {
                        //return false; 
                    } else {
            }); // close dialog setup 

            $(handler).on('change', function(evt) {
                if ($(evt.target).is(':checked')) {
            }); //close event handler 

            //Force checkbox 
            $(handler).on('change', function(evt) {
                if ($(evt.target).is(':checked') === false) {
                    $(evt.target).attr('aria-checked', true).prop('checked', true).change();
            }); //close event handler 



        }); //close iteration 
    }).fail(function(jqxhr, settings, exception) {
        //$( "div.log" ).text( "Triggered ajaxError handler." ); 

} //close LoadPage() 

function ProcessSubmit() {
    var filled_count = $('.green-check').length;
    var input_count = $('[id]').filter(function(index, element) {
        return $(element).attr('id').toLowerCase().match(/_wrapper/gi);

    var cat_name_proxy = $('.cat_name_proxy').closest('.question').find('textarea');
    var name_array = [];
    var input_fields = $('.brand_name').closest('.question').find('[type="text"]').filter(function(text_input, text_element) {
        return $.trim($(text_element).val()).length > 0;
    input_fields.each(function(index, element) {
        name_array = RandomizeArray(name_array);

    if (name_array.length) {


    if (filled_count !== input_count) {
        alert('Please fill in the details for each cat.');
        return false;

} //close ProcessSubmit() 

I discovered the issue again while working on a creating a tool that is built on top of the Bootstrap 3.4.1 carousel plugin.我在创建一个构建在 Bootstrap 3.4.1 轮播插件之上的工具时再次发现了这个问题。 What was happening specifically is that I had some stray console.log lines in my code.具体发生的事情是我的代码中有一些杂散的 console.log 行。 IE9 requires a polyfill for console, otherwise it will throw an error. IE9 需要 console 的 polyfill,否则会抛出错误。 I'm working in an environment that fires off multiple functions in one, in succession, simultaneously such that you will not be able to see exactly where the error occurs, but it will catch it and throw an alert to give you direction.我在一个环境中工作,该环境连续、同时触发多个功能,这样您将无法准确地看到错误发生的位置,但它会捕获它并发出警报以指导您。 The page would not silently fail (seemingly no JS was loaded) until I loaded the console (F12 Developer tools) in IE9.在我在 IE9 中加载控制台(F12 开发人员工具)之前,该页面不会无声地失败(似乎没有加载 JS)。 So my particular issue was consistent with the behavior because console.log only works when you open developer tools in IE9.所以我的特定问题与行为一致,因为 console.log 仅在您在 IE9 中打开开发人员工具时才有效。 Once I removed the console.log references, the Bootstrap carousel loaded properly (all JS for that matter loaded properly).一旦我删除了 console.log 引用,Bootstrap 传送带就会正确加载(所有 JS 都正确加载)。

The solution going forward is to simply add in a polyfill to always have console.log define to prevent this issue.未来的解决方案是简单地添加一个 polyfill 以始终定义 console.log 以防止此问题。

TLDR: The reason why the dialog was not closing was because I had console.log being invoked on close and it was causing a silent error because the console did not exist until it was opened. TLDR:对话框没有关闭的原因是因为我在关闭时调用了 console.log 并且它导致了一个静默错误,因为控制台在打开之前不存在。

See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15771110/5076162请参阅: https ://stackoverflow.com/a/15771110/5076162

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