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[英]Java Replace JsonNode with String value

I am a noob in Java and am struggling to with type conversions. 我是Java的菜鸟,正在努力进行类型转换。 I have a JSON Object like below: 我有一个JSON对象,如下所示:


And I want to convert it like: 我想将其转换为:

           "B": "My String Message"

I am able to replace the old JSON node with new JSON node but unable to replace it with TextNode, tried multiple failed options like below: 我可以将旧的JSON节点替换为新的JSON节点,但无法将其替换为TextNode,尝试了以下多个失败的选项:

   JsonNode newNode = new TextNode("My String Message");
   ObjectNode nodeObj = (ObjectNode) jsonNode;

You had just a small problem with your code. 您的代码只有一个小问题。 When you add the new text entry, you have to provide the key value that you want to associate the new text node with. 添加新文本条目时,必须提供要与新文本节点关联的键值。 So this line: 所以这行:


Just needs to be this: 只是需要这样:

nodeObj.set("B", newNode);

Here's a complete example that does just what you show in your question, incorporating the code you provided, with just this one small fix: 这是一个完整的示例,它完全按照您的问题显示,并结合了您提供的代码,并提供了一个小解决方案:

public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {

    // Read in the structure provided from a text file
    FileReader f = new FileReader("/tmp/foox.json");
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    JsonNode rootNode = mapper.readTree(f);

    // Print the starting structure

    // Get the node we want to operate on
    ObjectNode jsonNode = (ObjectNode)rootNode.get(0).get("A");

    // The OPs code, with just the small change of adding the key value when adding the new String
    JsonNode newNode = new TextNode("My String Message");
    ObjectNode nodeObj = (ObjectNode) jsonNode;
    nodeObj.set("B", newNode);

    // Print the resulting structure

And the resulting output: 以及结果输出:

[{"A":{"B":"My String Message"}}]

UPDATE: Per the discussion in the comments, to make the change you illustrate, you have to have access to the ObjectNode associated with the key A. It is this ObjectNode that associates B with the ObjectNode containing C and D. Since you want to change the value that B is associated with (you want it to be associated with a TextNode instead of an ObjectNode), you need access to the ObjectNode associated with A. If you only have a pointer to the ObjectNode containing C and D, you can't make the change you want to make. 更新:根据注释中的讨论,要进行更改,您必须访问与键A关联的ObjectNode。正是该ObjectNode才将B与包含C和D的ObjectNode关联。与B关联的值(您希望它与TextNode而不是与ObjectNode关联),您需要访问与A关联的ObjectNode。如果只有指向包含C和D的ObjectNode的指针,则可以进行您想要的更改。

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