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如何合并具有相同 id 的对象

[英]How can i merge objects with the same id

See Image:见图片:

Console.log Image POST ID's Console.log 图像 POST ID

Console.log 图像 POST ID

I have tried to fix it with each but i don't know how to go further.我试图用每个修复它,但我不知道如何更进一步。

See my Code:看我的代码:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
  var data, exampleData, , exampleType, exampleStatus, exampleKey, exampleValue;

  data = {
    'action': 'ajax'

  jQuery.post(ajaxurl, data, function(response) {
    exampleData = jQuery.parseJSON(response);

    jQuery.each(exampleData, function(index, value) {
      exampleID = value.post_id;
      exampleType = value.post_type;
      exampleStatus = value.post_status;
      exampleKey = value.meta_key;
      exampleValue = value.meta_value;

      if (exampleType == 'type' && exampleStatus === 'publish' && exampleID === values.ID) {


I want to merge all the ID's with the same ID and return it back as an array or object.我想合并所有具有相同 ID 的 ID 并将其作为数组或对象返回。

This may take some adjustment depending on what you want your returned data structure to look like -- "an array or object" leaves a lot of options -- but should be enough to demonstrate one way to do this:这可能需要进行一些调整,具体取决于您希望返回的数据结构的外观——“数组或对象”留下了很多选项——但应该足以演示一种方法来做到这一点:

 exampleData = [ {meta_id: "6098", post_id: "2283"}, {meta_id: "6099", post_id: "2283"}, {meta_id: "6100", post_id: "2283"}, {meta_id: "6101", post_id: "2283"}, {meta_id: "6102", post_id: "2283"}, {meta_id: "6103", post_id: "2283"}, {meta_id: "6104", post_id: "2284"}, {meta_id: "6105", post_id: "2284"}, {meta_id: "6106", post_id: "2285"}, {meta_id: "6107", post_id: "2285"} ] const reducer = (acc, cur)=>{ acc[cur.post_id] = acc[cur.post_id] || []; // start an array for this ID if we don't already have one acc[cur.post_id].push(cur) // push the current object onto this id's array return acc; } let output = exampleData.reduce(reducer, {}) console.log(output);

See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/reduce请参阅https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/reduce

var mylist= [
    { meta_id: '6097', post_id: '2055' },
    { meta_id: '6098', post_id: '2056' },
    { meta_id: '6099', post_id: '2057' },
    { meta_id: '6099', post_id: '2077' }

function DelDoublonsBy(arObjets, the_prop){
var arr_prop_as_key=[];
  return arObjets.reduce(function (list_previtems, obj) {
    var the_key = obj[the_prop];
      arr_prop_as_key[the_key] = "key exist";
    return list_previtems;

   }, []);

var  mylist_unique_By_metaid = DelDoublonsBy( mylist, "meta_id");
console.log("mylist_unique_By_metaid : "+mylist_unique_By_metaid);

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