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詹金斯码头将 http 重定向到 https

[英]Jenkins Jetty redirect http to https

We set our Jenkins ver.我们设置了 Jenkins 版本。 2.150.1 running on a default Jetty (Ubuntu) with https on port 8443. Is it possible to redirect all access from http(8080) to https(8443) without Apache/Nginx proxy? 2.150.1 在默认 Jetty (Ubuntu) 上运行,端口 8443 上有 https。是否可以在没有 Apache/Nginx 代理的情况下将所有访问从 http(8080) 重定向到 https(8443)? It would be great to use an existing Jetty.使用现有的 Jetty 会很棒。

This is not implemented but it could be possible using SecuredRedirectHandler.这未实现,但可以使用 SecuredRedirectHandler。 Please note this is development is part of Jenkins project: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/ .请注意,这是 Jenkins 项目的一部分: https : //github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/ You can propose a pull request with the change and I will be happy to review/merge Or at least log a change request here https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/projects/JENKINS .您可以提出带有更改的拉取请求,我很乐意审查/合并或至少在此处记录更改请求https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/projects/JENKINS

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