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[英]How to run a SSH script with expect?

I can execute command on a remote SSH host with expect. 我可以在期望的远程SSH主机上执行命令。 Everything is fine as long as I limit myself to a one-line hardcoded command.However, I'd like to create a script of local command to be executed remotely. 只要我将自己限制为单行硬编码命令,一切就可以了,但是,我想创建一个本地命令脚本以远程执行。

This one works but only with a one line command: 此命令有效,但仅适用于一行命令:


set USER [lindex $argv 0]
set PASSWORD [lindex $argv 1]
set CMD [lindex $argv 2]
set timeout 10

spawn ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "$USER" "$CMD"

expect {
        timeout {
                puts "Timeout happened"
                exit 8
        eof {
                puts "EOF received"
                exit 4
        -nocase "password:" {
                send "$PASSWORD\n"
                expect {
                        "keys" {
                        exit 200
                        -nocase "password:" {
                                        exit 1

This one don't work: 这不起作用:


set USER [lindex $argv 0]
set PASSWORD [lindex $argv 1]
set timeout 10

spawn ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "$USER" < /var/myscript.sh
#                           This don't work! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

expect {
        timeout {
                puts "Timeout happened"
                exit 8
        eof {
                puts "EOF received"
                exit 4
        -nocase "password:" {
                send "$PASSWORD\n"
                expect {
                        "keys" {
                        exit 200
                        -nocase "password:" {
                                        exit 1


spawn bash -c "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $USER < /var/myscript.sh"

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