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Firebase 短信验证更改发件人姓名

[英]Firebase SMS Verification change sender name

I'm using Firebase Phone Auth to identify the user, the sms is received but I need to change the SMS sender name (Not the template) in mobile, is there anyway to change the sender name or the messaging service?我正在使用 Firebase Phone Auth 来识别用户,收到了短信,但我需要在手机中更改短信发件人姓名(不是模板),是否可以更改发件人姓名或消息服务? The sms is received like:收到的短信如下:

Phonecode 106109 is your verification code for MyAppName

what I need is:我需要的是:

MyAppName 106109 is your verification code MyAppName

As for now, We simply can't change the template nor sender name/number.至于现在,我们根本无法更改模板或发件人姓名/号码。 We can only see in which template user will get SMS.我们只能看到用户将在哪个模板中收到短信。


Additional Info:附加信息:

  • Until your app gets live, your format will be * %LOGIN_CODE% is your verification code.在您的应用上线之前,您的格式将是 * %LOGIN_CODE% 是您的验证码。
  • After upload app on google-play-store, format will be %LOGIN_CODE% is your verification code for %APP_NAME%.在 google-play-store 上传应用程序后,格式将为%LOGIN_CODE% 是您用于 %APP_NAME% 的验证码。

the app name displayed in the SMS can't be changed manually (neither can you modify the template).短信中显示的应用名称不能手动更改(也不能修改模板)。
The app name is retrieved from the play store/app store once the app is live in the store .一旦应用程序在商店中上线,就会从 Play 商店/应用程序商店检索应用程序名称
This wasn't 100% clear to me after reading Rumit's answer.在阅读 Rumit 的回答后,我并不是 100% 清楚这一点。

here is the response from the firebase support about this matter:这是 firebase 支持部门对此事的回应:

The SMS messages draw the app's name from the App Store / Play Store. SMS 消息从 App Store / Play Store 中提取应用程序的名称。 Once an app is published, the correct name should start appearing.发布应用程序后,应该会开始显示正确的名称。 There may be a small delay (a week or two at most).可能会有一小段延迟(最多一到两周)。 So, this is an expected behavior if you published the app a few days ago.因此,如果您在几天前发布了该应用程序,这是一种预期的行为。

But if the app is published and you are still not able to see the app's name, it's possible that someone else has registered the user's App's Application ID (Usually the same as the Package Name - for instance, com.example.myapp) on the Play Store with a different name (which is the name shown as the %APP_NAME% value on the SMS template).但是,如果应用已发布但您仍然看不到应用的名称,则可能是其他人已经在具有不同名称的 Play Store(即在 SMS 模板上显示为 %APP_NAME% 值的名称)。 Firebase pulls %APP_NAME% from the Play Store based on this Application ID. Firebase 根据此应用程序 ID 从 Play 商店中提取 %APP_NAME%。

Since Application IDs in Google Play must be unique, you can't use an ID that is already taken by someone else.由于 Google Play 中的应用程序 ID 必须是唯一的,因此您不能使用已被他人使用的 ID。

To fix this, you can change your Application ID and register the new one in the package name field in the Firebase Console.要解决此问题,您可以更改您的应用程序 ID 并在 Firebase 控制台的程序包名称字段中注册新的应用程序 ID。

This is the response I got from Firebase support team as of March 19, 2021.这是截至 2021 年 3 月 19 日我从 Firebase 支持团队得到的回复。


hi am also using firebase messages for send otp on mobile numbers.您好,我还使用 firebase 消息在手机号码上发送 otp。 I also want to show my app name in text message but there is a firebase document that you can't change body of message in firebase.我还想在短信中显示我的应用程序名称,但有一个 firebase 文档,您无法在 firebase 中更改消息正文。 You can select the language from the Firebase console, however this is a per project setting and you can't modify the templates.您可以从 Firebase 控制台选择语言,但这是针对每个项目的设置,您无法修改模板。

It's impossible to change sender name, but you can change template: 不可能更改发件人名称,但是您可以更改模板:

Go to Firebase console -> Authentication -> Templates -> SMS Verification 转到Firebase控制台->身份验证->模板-> SMS验证

%LOGIN_CODE% is your verification code for %APP_NAME%. %LOGIN_CODE%是您对%APP_NAME%的验证码。

Go to Firebase>Authentication>Templates>Password Reset> Put %APP_NAME%转到 Firebase > 身份验证 > 模板 > 密码重置 > 放 %APP_NAME%

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