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React Native,onPress 将文本值设置为状态

[英]React Native, on onPress setting Text values into state

I am trying to build something like a calculator.我正在尝试构建类似计算器的东西。

I have a function onPressDigit, which I call in touchable opacity.我有一个函数 onPressDigit,我称之为可触摸不透明度。

class App extends Component {
  state = {
      expression: 0,

  onPressDigit = () => {
      expression: //logic here

  render() {
    const { expression } = this.state
    return (
        <Text>expression: {expression}</Text>
        <TouchableOpacity onPress={this.onPressDigit}>
          <Text style={{ fontSize: 30, backgroundColor: 'purple' }}>4</Text>

Now, I want when I click 4 (that is the value of the text in touchableOpacity) the text 4, should become the current state value and I see现在,我希望当我点击 4(即 touchableOpacity 中文本的值)文本 4,应该成为当前状态值,我看到

expression: 4表达:4


expressions: 0.表达式:0。

Can't figure out the logic for that...想不通这其中的逻辑...

I'll just do it for you lol its not that deep, 我会为你做这件事而不是那么深,

class App extends Component {

  constructor(props) {

     this.state = {
      expression: 0,

  onPressDigit = (number) => {
      expression: number

  render() {
    const { expression } = this.state
    return (
        <Text>expression: {expression}</Text>
        <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.onPressDigit(4)}>
          <Text style={{ fontSize: 30, backgroundColor: 'purple' }}>4</Text>

just pass the number as a argument, sorry if its not the most detailed of answers im about to leave work, but all I did was add an argument to the listener, and then passed it the number 4 through on the onPress 只是将数字作为参数传递,对不起,如果它不是最详细的答案即将离开工作,但我所做的只是向听众添加一个参数,然后在onPress上传递数字4

Since you are using es6 you do not need a constructor 由于您使用的是es6,因此不需要构造函数

you need to pass the value through the function parameter 你需要通过函数参数传递值

class App extends Component {

        state = {
              expression: 0,

          onPressDigit = (number) => {

    //number is the value you want your expression to have
    //you can use any name different from number

              expression: number

          render() {
            const { expression } = this.state
            return (
                <Text>expression: {expression}</Text>

    {/*create an arrow function that will pass the value of the expression to the function*/}

                <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.onPressDigit(4)}>
                  <Text style={{ fontSize: 30, backgroundColor: 'purple' }}>4</Text>

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