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[英]Reverse lookup for loop in R

I have a set of numbers / string that makes other number / string. 我有一组数字/字符串,使其他数字/字符串。 I need to create a function that gives me a list of the all the numbers / string needed to create that number / string. 我需要创建一个函数,该函数为我提供创建该数字/字符串所需的所有数字/字符串的列表。

Consider the following dataset 考虑以下数据集

ingredients <- c('N/A', 'cat', 'bird')
product <- c('cat', 'bird', 'dog')
data <- data.frame(ingredients, product)

If I input function(dog), I would like a list that returns bird and then cat. 如果我输入function(dog),我想要一个先返回bird然后再返回cat的列表。 The function knows when to stop when ingredients = N/A (there's nothing more to look up). 该功能知道当配料= N / A时什么时候停止(没有什么可查找的)。

It seems like some of sort of for loop that appends is the right approach. 似乎附加某种for循环是正确的方法。

needed <- list()

for (product in list){


df <- dplyr::bind_rows(product)

I appended your initial code to make N/A simply equal to NA so I could use the is.na function in my R code. 我附加了您的初始代码,以使N/A仅等于NA因此可以在R代码中使用is.na函数。 Now the sample data is 现在样本数据是

ingredients <- c(NA, 'cat', 'bird')
product <- c('cat', 'bird', 'dog')
data <- data.frame(ingredients, product)

Code is below: 代码如下:

ReverseLookup <- function (input) {
  ans <- list()
  while (input %in% data$product) {
    if (!is.na(as.character(data[which(data$product == input),]$ingredients))) {
      ans <- append(ans, as.character(data[which(data$product == input),]$ingredients))
      input <- as.character(data[which(data$product == input),]$ingredients)
    else {

I create an empty list and then create a while loop that just checks if the input exists in the product column. 我创建一个空列表,然后创建一个while循环,该循环仅检查product列中是否存在input If so, it then checks to see if the corresponding ingredient to the product input is a non-NA value. 如果是这样,那么它将检查以查看product输入的相应ingredient是否为非NA值。 If that's the case, the ingredient will be appended to ans and will become the new input . 如果是这种情况,该ingredient将被附加到ans并将成为新的input I also added a break statement to get out of the while loop when you reach an NA . 我还添加了break语句,以在到达NA时退出while循环。

I did a quick test on the case where there is no NA in your dataframe and it appears to be working fine. 我对您的数据框中没有NA且看起来工作正常的情况进行了快速测试。 Maybe someone else here can figure out a more concise way to write this, but it should work for you. 也许这里的其他人可以找到一种更简洁的方式编写此代码,但是它应该对您有用。

You can likely find a way to use a tree of some type to work through nodes. 您可能会找到一种使用某种类型的树遍历节点的方法。 But, using a recursive function in base R, I have come up with this. 但是,在基数R中使用递归函数,我想到了这一点。

I have also changed the 'N/A' to NA to make life easier. 我也将“ N / A”更改为NA以使生活更轻松。 Also, I have added in stringsAsFactors = F to the data frame. 另外,我在数据帧中添加了stringsAsFactors = F

ingredients <- c(NA, 'cat', 'bird')
product <- c('cat', 'bird', 'dog')
data <- data.frame(ingredients, product, stringsAsFactors = F)

reverse_lookup <- function(data, x, last_result = NULL) {
  if (! is.null(last_result)) {
    x <- data[data$product == last_result[length(last_result)], "ingredients"]

  if (! is.na(x)) {
    last_result <- reverse_lookup(data, x, c(last_result, x))


This returns the input as well, which you can always drop off as the first element of the vector. 这也会返回输入,您可以随时将其作为向量的第一个元素删除。

> reverse_lookup(data, "dog")
[1] "dog"  "bird" "cat"

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