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[英]UITableViewCell is not expanding to fit height of UILabel, what am I doing wrong?

What I want is my UITableViewCell to expand/shrink based on the height of the UILabel inside. 我想要的是UITableViewCell基于UILabel内部的高度进行扩展/缩小。

I have tried just about every solution I could find and it's not working. 我已经尝试了几乎所有可以找到的解决方案,但都无法正常工作。 Maybe I have some setting that's preventing it. 也许我有一些阻止它的设置。

Here is a screenshot of the UITableViewCell settings: 这是UITableViewCell设置的屏幕截图:


For the UILabel inside, Lines is set to 0 and Line Break to Word Wrap . 对于内部的UILabel ,将Lines设置为0并将Line BreakWord Wrap

In the UIViewController where I'm showing the table view, I am setting this in viewDidLoad() : 在显示表格视图的UIViewController中,我在viewDidLoad()

tableView.rowHeight = UITableView.automaticDimension
tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 44

And in cellForRowAt after dequeuing the cell I'm doing (instructionText being the UILabel): 并在我正在做的单元出队后在cellForRowAt (instructionText是UILabel):

cell.instructionText.numberOfLines = 0

I've seen this in many tutorials and it works, why not for these cells? 我已经在许多教程中看到了这一点,并且效果很好,为什么不为这些单元格呢? The content comes out like this: 内容如下所示:


This is driving me crazy! 这真让我抓狂! Thanks for any help! 谢谢你的帮助!

EDIT: Here are the UILabel settings: 编辑:这是UILabel设置:


Please check your label constraints 请检查您的标签限制


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