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[英]How do I write to a python file from a multi-line input received in a gui?

Im writing a program that's meant to help me with work, but getting stuck on setting up a gui that will receive user input and then use that input to write python code into a file named config.py 我正在编写一个旨在帮助我完成工作的程序,但是在设置一个将接收用户输入的gui然后使用该输入将python代码编写到名为config.py的文件中时会遇到困难

config.py is based off of 5 classes that have multiple lines of text each that function as quicknotes that are written to a separate frame in the gui. config.py基于5个类,这些类具有多行文本,每个行都作为写入gui中单独帧的quicknotes。 I need a user-friendly way to edit these classes instead of opening my text editor (atom in this case) and writing my quicknotes into python code. 我需要一种用户友好的方式来编辑这些类,而不是打开我的文本编辑器(本例中为atom)并将我的quicknotes编写成python代码。

I have the gui set up to receive a text panel for which quicknote is being edited, a text panel for the title, and a multi-line text panel for the actual notes. 我已经设置了gui以接收正在编辑quicknote的文本面板,标题的文本面板以及实际笔记的多行文本面板。 However, because I'm doing the user input insertion into config.py manually, anytime more than one line is put into the body, its no longer formatted correctly 但是,因为我正在手动将用户输入插入到config.py中,所以无论何时将多行放入正文中,它都不再正确格式化

My configGUI.py is the file that is grabbing the user input and writing to the config.py file and here is the code for that 我的configGUI.py是抓取用户输入并写入config.py文件的文件,这里是代码

qnBody_label = wx.StaticText(panel, label='Quicknote Text')
self.body_Control = wx.TextCtrl(panel, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE)

qnTitle_label = wx.StaticText(panel, label='Quicknote Title')
self.title_Control = wx.TextCtrl(panel)

qnBody_label = wx.StaticText(panel, label='Quicknote Text')
self.body_Control = wx.TextCtrl(panel, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE)

quicknoteNumber = "class QN%s():" % self.number_Control.GetValue()
quicknoteTitle = "\ttitle = '%s'" % self.title_Control.GetValue()
quicknoteBody = "\tnote = (\n\t'%s'\n)" % self.body_Control.GetValue()

Here is an example of what im expecting in config.py: 这是我在config.py中期待的一个例子:

class QN1():
    title = "Heres the title"
    note = (
        'First line of quicknotes\n'
        'Heres some more notes\n'
        'And the last notes\n'

what I actually receive is: 我实际收到的是:

class QN1():
    title = "Heres the title"
    note = (
        'First line of quicknotes
Heres some more notes
And the last notes'

which makes sense given what im telling it to do, but im unsure of how to grab input from a multi-line text panel and format it into python correctly 考虑到我要告诉它做什么,这是有道理的,但我不确定如何从多行文本面板获取输入并正确格式化为python

When you are adding the new line, it is behaving exactly as it should, it prints it on a new line, what you need to do is format it yourself by adding the spaces yourself after the \\n. 当您添加新行时,它的行为完全正确,它将它打印在一个新行上,您需要做的是通过在\\ n之后添加空格来自行格式化。 Add \\t as that is a short version for tab 添加\\ t,因为这是tab的简短版本

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