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[英]Iterate and format dictionary returned by template filter

I'm trying to display metadata about an image in my Django app.我正在尝试在我的 Django 应用程序中显示有关图像的元数据。 The metadata is read from the image's exif header and stored in a dictionary with the image as a key, and returned to the template with a filter.元数据从图像的 exif 标头中读取并存储在以图像为键的字典中,并通过过滤器返回到模板。 In my template, I display the images, and would like to display the formatted metadata for that image.在我的模板中,我显示图像,并希望显示该图像的格式化元数据。 So far I can only get it to display the dictionary for that image (eg {'key1': 'value', 'key2', 'value'} ).到目前为止,我只能让它显示该图像的字典(例如{'key1': 'value', 'key2', 'value'} )。 I would like it to look like key1: value, key2: value .我希望它看起来像key1: value, key2: value

{% block content %}
    {% for image in images %}
        {{ exif|get_item:image }}
            <p><img src="{{ image.image.url }}" width="500" style="padding-bottom:50px"/></p>
    {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

def image_display(request):
    images = image.objects.all()

    exif = {}
    for file in images:
        cmd = 'exiftool ' + str(file.image.url) + ' -DateTimeOriginal -Artist'
        exifResults = (subprocess.check_output(cmd)).decode('utf8').strip('\r\n')
        exif[file] = dict(map(str.strip, re.split(':\s+', i)) for i in exifResults.strip().splitlines() if i.startswith(''))

    context = {
        'images': images,
        'exif': exif,

    def get_item(dictionary, key):
        return dictionary.get(key)
    return render(request, 'image_display.html', context=context)

I thought I could just do {% for key, value in exif|get_item:image.items %} in the template, but that returns an error:我以为我可以在模板中执行{% for key, value in exif|get_item:image.items %} ,但这会返回错误:

VariableDoesNotExist at /reader/image_display
Failed lookup for key [items] in <image: image1>

Is there a way I can either format the dictionary returned by the filter or iterate through it such that I can format each key and value pair?有没有一种方法可以格式化过滤器返回的字典或遍历它以便我可以格式化每个键和值对?

As I see it, you are using this question's custom filter implementation: Django template how to look up a dictionary value with a variable but you need an extra step to format the specific key as it is a dictionary.在我看来,您正在使用这个问题的自定义过滤器实现: Django 模板如何使用变量查找字典值,但您需要额外的步骤来格式化特定键,因为它是字典。

Why not create another filter that can return a dictionary formatted as you want?为什么不创建另一个可以返回您想要的格式的字典的过滤器?
Something like this:像这样的东西:

def get_item_formatted(dictionary, key):
    tmp_dict = dictionary.get(key, None)
    if tmp_dict and isinstance(tmp_dict, dict):
        return [[t_key, t_value] for t_key, t_value in tmp_dict.items()]
    return None

This will return a list of lists of [key, value] pairs or None .这将返回[key, value]对或None的列表列表。
You can iterate through that in the template:您可以在模板中迭代它:

{% block content %}
    {% for image in images %}
        {% for pair in exif|get_item_formatted:image %}
            // Do what you need with the pair.0 (key) and pair.1 (value) here. 
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

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