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java servlets:进行多个插入和锁定表的更好方法?

[英]java servlets: better way to do multiple inserts and locking tables?

I'm currently running the follow code segment in a java servlet using the suggested PareparedStatement class. 我目前正在使用建议的PareparedStatement类在Java servlet中运行以下代码段。 It is currently inserting inventory data into a SQL Server database of an accounting system. 当前,它正在将库存数据插入记帐系统的SQL Server数据库中。 I have two problems. 我有两个问题。

  1. Because the insert statements insert data into 3 different tables, should I move these sql statements to tsql procedure call on the database and use Transaction to lock the table? 因为insert语句将数据插入到3个不同的表中,所以我应该将这些sql语句移动到数据库上的tsql过程调用并使用Transaction锁定表吗?
  2. Whenever a user has the accounting software inventory screen opened, the last 2 insert statements fail. 每当用户打开会计软件清单屏幕时,最后2条插入语句都会失败。 I'm guessing the software client locks the table while the user has the screen open. 我猜测用户打开屏幕时,软件客户端会锁定表。

here is the code: 这是代码:

try {   

        con = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(getConnectionUrl()); 
        //get next itemkey 
        CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{call spGetNextSurrogateKey (?,?)}");
        cstmt.registerOutParameter("oNewKey", java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
        int rs4 = cstmt.getInt(2);

        String query = "insert into timitem (itemkey, AllowCostOvrd,AllowDecimalQty,AllowDropShip,AllowPriceOvrd,AllowRtrns,AvailForSale,CompanyID,CreateDate,CreateUserID,CreateType,DateEstab,DfltSaleQty,HazMat,InclOnPackList,InternalLongDesc,IntrnlDeliveryReq,ItemClassKey,ItemID,ItemSubType,ItemType,MinGrossProfitPct,MinSaleQty,PerUsageOrdLimit,PriceSeq,PriceUnitMeaskey,PurchProdLineKey,PurchUnitMeasKey,RcptReq,RestockRate,SaleMultiple,SalesUnitMeasKey,Seasonal,ShelfLife,Status,STaxClasskey,StdPrice,StdUnitCost,StockUnitMeasKey,SubjToTradeDisc,TargetMargin,TrackMeth,UpdateCounter,ValuationMeth,WarrantyDays,WarrantyProvider) values ( '" +rs4 + "', 0,0,1,1,1,1,'ens','" + DateFormat.format(Date) + "','admin',1,'" + DateFormat.format(Date) + "',1,0,1,0,0,"+itemclasskey+",'" + partnumber + "',1,5,0,1,0,0,112,"+PurchProdLineKey+","+UnitMeasKey+",1,0,0,112,0,0,1,12,"+ itemlistprice + ","+itemcost + ",112,0,0,2,0,5,0,0)";
        PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(query); 

                String query_descrip = "insert into timitemdescription (itemkey, languageid, longdesc, shortdesc) values ('" + rs4 + "', 1033, '" + itemdescription + "','"+ "_" + "')";

                PreparedStatement pstmt2 = con.prepareStatement(query_descrip); 

                String query_UOM = "insert into timItemUnitOfMeas (itemkey, TargetUnitMeasKey, conversionfactor, unitvolume, unitweight,upc,useforpurchases,useforsales,usestdconv) values ('" + rs4 + "', "+UnitMeasKey+", '1',0,0,NULL,0,0,0)";

                PreparedStatement pstmt3 = con.prepareStatement(query_UOM); 

}catch(java.sql.SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }     //end try 

any suggestions? 有什么建议么? thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Working with JDBC at a low level, each statement is automatically committed when it is executed. 在底层使用JDBC时,每个语句在执行时都会自动提交。 To execute multiple statements in a single transaction, invoke setAutoCommit(false) on the Connection , and finish the unit of work with a call to commit() on the connection. 要在单个事务中执行多个语句,请在Connection上调用setAutoCommit(false) ,并通过对连接上的commit()进行调用来完成工作单元。 If there is a failure, call rollback() instead. 如果失败,请调用rollback()

Nowadays, it's more usual to have a persistence mechanism like JPA manage transactions, working with the framework or container. 如今,使用JPA这样的持久性机制来管理事务,与框架或容器一起工作已变得越来越普遍。 This infrastructure can handle common transactional scenarios quite well. 该基础结构可以很好地处理常见的事务方案。

I would suggest that you not do this in a servlet. 我建议您不要在servlet中执行此操作。 Move the code into a persistence tier that you can test off-line, without the servlet container. 将代码移到可以离线测试的持久层,而无需servlet容器。

I'd also recommend Spring and JPA . 我还建议使用Spring和JPA Layering your app so the web and persistence tiers aren't one will be a good idea. 对您的应用程序进行分层,使Web和持久性层不再是一个好主意。

http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2EE/jpa/ http://www.springsource.org/ http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2EE/jpa/ http://www.springsource.org/

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