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用于JavaScript代理的Chrome Devtools格式化程序

[英]Chrome Devtools formatter for javascript proxy

I've recently started using proxies in one of my projects. 我最近开始在我的一个项目中使用代理。 The one downside of this has been that when inspecting the object in a debugger, it's now wrapped by the proxy javascript proxy . 缺点之一是,当在调试器中检查对象时,该对象现在由javascript代理proxy封装。


Intead of seeing [[Handler]],[[Target]],[[isRevoked]] I would prefer to just see the object referenced by [[Target]] . [[Handler]],[[Target]],[[isRevoked]]我更愿意只看[[Target]]引用的对象。

It's a minor inconvenience but I think that it could be solved with a Chrome Devtools custom formatter . 这是一个小麻烦,但我认为可以使用Chrome Devtools自定义格式化程序解决。

Seems like this would be fairly common, but I can't find any existing formatters. 似乎这种情况相当普遍,但是我找不到任何现有的格式化程序。 Just wanted to double check that there wasn't already one out there before I go down the road of writing my own. 我只是想仔细检查一遍,以确保在我编写自己的书之前还没有书。

So it turns out this is quite difficult to achieve. 因此事实证明,这很难实现。 The first problem is that it's impossible to identify a Proxy without: 第一个问题是,如果没有以下条件,就无法识别代理

A: Adding a custom symbol to your proxy implementation (if you control the Proxy init code) 答:将自定义符号添加到您的代理实现中(如果您控制代理初始化代码)

B: Overriding the window.Proxy prototype and using a Weakset to basically track every proxy init B:覆盖window.Proxy .Proxy原型并使用Weakset基本上跟踪每个代理初始化

On top of that, there is no way to access to original [[Target]] object. 最重要的是,无法访问原始的[[Target]]对象。 However, running JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) does seems to work well for just console.log purposes. 但是,运行JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj))确实可以很好地用于console.log目的。

Assuming you don't have control to modify the Proxy handler, this is what your solution would look like: 假设您无权修改代理处理程序,那么您的解决方案将如下所示:

// track all proxies in weakset (allows GC)
const proxy_set = new WeakSet();
window.Proxy = new Proxy(Proxy, {
      construct(target, args) {
        const proxy = new target(args[0], args[1]);
        return proxy;

window.devtoolsFormatters = [{
  header(obj: any) {
    try {
      if (!proxy_set.has(obj)) {
        return null;
      return ['object', {object: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj))}]; //hack... but seems to work
    } catch (e) {
      return null;
  hasBody() {
      return false;

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