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为什么font-size:1em; *增加* <button>内容</button>的大小<button>?</button>

[英]Why does font-size: 1em; *increase* the size of <button> content?

Given the following example, I was surprised to find that adding font-size: 1em to a <button> element causes the size of the content to increase 在下面的示例中,我惊讶地发现将font-size: 1em添加到<button>元素会导致内容大小增加

example on codepen: "button font-size 1em increases?" codepen上的示例:“按钮字体大小1em增加了吗?”

 <p>normal</p> <p style="font-size: 1em;">normal</p> <button>normal</button> <button style="font-size: 1em;">big?</button> 

I was expecting the two buttons to be the same size, like the paragraphs. 我期望两个按钮的大小一样,如段落所示。 Why is one button bigger than the other? 为什么一个按钮比另一个大?

The default style for the given element in Chrome contains the following: Chrome中给定元素的默认样式包含以下内容:

font: 400 11px system-ui;

Most other browsers have something similar, details left to the reader. 大多数其他浏览器都有类似的细节,留给读者。

By setting the font-size to 1em , you're setting it to the default font-size inherited from the parent, or if none exist, your browser settings, which by default is 16px . 通过将font-size设置为1em ,可以将其设置为从父级继承的默认font-size;如果不存在,则将其设置为浏览器设置(默认为16px

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