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[英]Looping through JavaScript Object and changing table content on each iteration

I need to build a table or panel/card with the json data. 我需要使用json数据构建表或面板/卡。

I want to print the first one, then erase everything and print the next one. 我要打印第一个,然后擦除所有内容并打印下一个。

I've tried with tables, panels and it didn't work. 我已经尝试过使用桌子,面板,但是没有用。

I want to do something like the pic below. 我想做下面的照片。


Here's the code. 这是代码。

 const js = [{ "category": "Apoio", "serviceSecondLevel": "CTB - Contabilidade", "serviceFirstLevel": "Contabilidade", "status": "Novo", "createdDate": "2019-04-17T12:47:51.0299221", "ownerTeam": "Administradores", "id": 13062, "customFieldValues": [{ "items": [{ "customFieldItem": "Crítica" }], "customFieldId": 18289, "customFieldRuleId": 8423, "line": 1, "value": null }], "clients": [{ "businessName": "Usuario" }] }, { "category": "Apoio", "serviceSecondLevel": null, "serviceFirstLevel": "ADM - Administrativo", "status": "Novo", "createdDate": "2019-04-17T14:35:50.6543365", "ownerTeam": "Administradores", "id": 13133, "customFieldValues": [{ "items": [{ "customFieldItem": "Baixa" }], "customFieldId": 18289, "customFieldRuleId": 8423, "line": 1, "value": null }], "clients": [{ "businessName": "Usuario" }] }]; js.forEach(function(o) { var area = o.serviceSecondLevel == null ? o.serviceFirstLevel : o.serviceSecondLevel; $('#area').text(area); $('#numero').text(o.id); $('#solicitante').text(o.clients[0].businessName); $('#categoria').text(o.category); $('#status').text(o.status); $('#severidade').text(o.customFieldValues[0].items[0].customFieldItem); $('#data').text(o.createdDate); $('#hora').text(o.createdDate); sleep(30); }); 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td id="area"></td> <td id="numero"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="solicitante"></td> <td id="categoria"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="status"></td> <td id="severidade"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="data"></td> <td id="hora"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 

It's only printing the first object, it never prints the next. 它仅打印第一个对象,而从不打印下一个对象。

Based on your comment, I understand that you want to wait 30 seconds and overwrite the object shown in the table. 根据您的评论,我了解您要等待30秒并覆盖表中显示的对象。 You can do this using setInterval or setTimeout . 您可以使用setIntervalsetTimeout进行此操作。

I've updated your snippet to show how you might use setInterval . 我已经更新了您的代码段,以显示您如何使用setInterval Essentially, keep track of the next index of the array to show. 本质上,跟踪要显示的数组的下一个索引。 setInterval is given a function that it calls repeatedly after a delay. setInterval被赋予一个函数,该函数在延迟后会重复调用。 This function increments the index and updates the div. 此函数增加索引并更新div。

For the purposes of the example, the div updates every 1 second (1000 ms). 就本示例而言,div每1秒(1000 ms)更新一次。 If you want to delay 30 seconds, multiply the interval by 30: 如果要延迟30秒,则将间隔乘以30:

 const js = [{ "category": "Apoio", "serviceSecondLevel": "CTB - Contabilidade", "serviceFirstLevel": "Contabilidade", "status": "Novo", "createdDate": "2019-04-17T12:47:51.0299221", "ownerTeam": "Administradores", "id": 13062, "customFieldValues": [{ "items": [{ "customFieldItem": "Crítica" }], "customFieldId": 18289, "customFieldRuleId": 8423, "line": 1, "value": null }], "clients": [{ "businessName": "Usuario" }] }, { "category": "Apoio", "serviceSecondLevel": null, "serviceFirstLevel": "ADM - Administrativo", "status": "Novo", "createdDate": "2019-04-17T14:35:50.6543365", "ownerTeam": "Administradores", "id": 13133, "customFieldValues": [{ "items": [{ "customFieldItem": "Baixa" }], "customFieldId": 18289, "customFieldRuleId": 8423, "line": 1, "value": null }], "clients": [{ "businessName": "Usuario" }] }]; var idx = 0; setInterval(function() { var o = js[idx++ % js.length]; var area = o.serviceSecondLevel == null ? o.serviceFirstLevel : o.serviceSecondLevel; $('#area').text(area); $('#numero').text(o.id); $('#solicitante').text(o.clients[0].businessName); $('#categoria').text(o.category); $('#status').text(o.status); $('#severidade').text(o.customFieldValues[0].items[0].customFieldItem); $('#data').text(o.createdDate); $('#hora').text(o.createdDate); }, 1000); 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td id="area"></td> <td id="numero"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="solicitante"></td> <td id="categoria"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="status"></td> <td id="severidade"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="data"></td> <td id="hora"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 

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