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[英]Sort data received from API using Codable protocol based on date

I'm parsing data from JSON using codable and using my completion handler to pass the data to its origin. 我正在使用codable从JSON解析数据并使用我的完成处理程序将数据传递给它的原点。 However, before passing the caller, I would like to sort data and then send it. 但是,在通过调用者之前,我想对数据进行排序然后发送它。 Below is my code 以下是我的代码

func getEmployeeData(for type: Employee, completion: @escaping (Result<EmployeesBase, APIError>) -> Void) {
    //set API endpoint for Employer
    let endpoint = type

    //Create Request with headers
    let request = endpoint.mutableRequest

    //get employee Data
    fetch(with: request, decode: { json -> EmployeesBase? in
        guard let jsonResponse = json as? EmployeesBase else { return  nil }
        return jsonResponse
    }, completion: completion) //Sort this completion by joiningDate

struct EmployeesBase: Codable {
    let employee: [Employee]

struct Employee: Codable {
  let name: String
  let empID: String
  let joiningDate: String
  let dept: String

I'm confused how I can sort this. 我很困惑如何对此进行排序。

You can do 你可以做

jsonResponse.employee.sort { $0.joiningDate <  $1.joiningDate }

struct EmployeesBase: Codable {
   var employee: [Employee] // make it var , as sort is mutating

let joiningDate: Date // parse this key as Date with correct format

Alter the decoder for this 改变解码器

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZZZZ" // change to your format
decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .formatted(formatter)

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