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[英]How to use 'Markdown' in parse_mode of telegram bot?

bot.on(/^\/s (.+)$/, async function(msg, props) {
      let id = msg.chat.id;
      let message = await MyBot.getBySearchQuery(props.match[1]);
      let parse_mode = 'Markdown';
      return bot.sendMessage(id, message, { parse_mode });

By /s <param> I want to get some hyperlink in telegram. 通过/s <param>我想在电报中获得一些超链接 But instead of that I'm getting [hyperlink](http://some_url) . 但我没有得到[hyperlink](http://some_url)

What is going wrong here? 这里出了什么问题? The message here is always a string like [title](url) . 这里的message总是像[title](url)这样的字符串。

Are you using the node-telegram-bot-api npm module? 你在使用node-telegram-bot-api npm模块吗?

I think you want to be using bot.onText method not .on . 我想你想使用bot.onText方法而不是.on I've just tried with both, and when using .on the callback function never runs. 我刚试过两个,当使用.on时,回调函数永远不会运行。

bot.onText(/^\/s (.+)$/, async function(msg, props) {
  let id = msg.chat.id;
  let message = await MyBot.getBySearchQuery(props.match[1]);
  let parse_mode = 'Markdown';
  return bot.sendMessage(id, message, { parse_mode });

Have you tried adding some kind of logging to this method to see if it ever actually runs, and that your getBySearchQuery(..) is returning the expected message? 您是否尝试过向此方法添加某种日志记录以查看它是否实际运行,并且您的getBySearchQuery(..)正在返回预期的消息?

This reason yours isn't working is because you called it parse_mode instead of parseMode ( See doc ) 你的这个原因不起作用是因为你称之为parse_mode而不是parseMode参见doc

Try this, it should work. 试试这个,它应该工作。

const TeleBot = require('telebot');

const bot = new TeleBot('35353453:sfsdfsdffgrtyrty454646thfhfgfgh')

bot.on(/^\/s (.+)$/, async function(msg, props) {
  const id = msg.chat.id;
  const url = "https://google.com";
  const message = `Read more about [Google](${url}) now!!!!`;

  return bot.sendMessage(id, message, { parseMode: 'Markdown' });


Okay, I tested it and it works well. 好的,我测试了它,效果很好。 I sent /s ert and here was the response: 我发送了/s ert ,这是回复:


So now let me click Google and you'll see the popup: 所以现在让我点击Google ,你会看到弹出窗口: 在此输入图像描述

THERE YOU GO. 你走了 Hope it helps 希望能帮助到你

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