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[英]Git use old version of commit to rebase

I have two branchs in my project, feature and develop. 我在项目中有两个分支,分别是功能和开发。 I commit and push my edited code to my feature branch two times(commit1 and commit2, the second one is the latest version). 我提交并两次将编辑后的代码推送到功能分支(commit1和commit2,第二个是最新版本)。 The problem is when I want to rebase my develop branch with my feature branch, it use commit1 version to rebase. 问题是当我想用我的功能分支为我的开发分支重新设置基础时,它使用commit1版本进行重新设置。 How to fix this problem? 如何解决这个问题?

As in " Undoing a git rebase ", check the output of git reflog and: 与“ 撤消git rebase ”中一样,检查git reflog的输出并:

  • reset feature to what it was before the rebase feature重置为变基前的状态
  • same for the develop branch develop分支相同

Then try again your rebase, paying attention to conflict resolution and rebase status. 然后再尝试重新设置基准,请注意冲突的解决和复位状态。
Finally push --force one more time. 最后push --force一次。

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