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在Python 3.x中替换字符串中的转义序列字符

[英]Replace escape sequence characters in a string in Python 3.x

I have used the following code to replace the escaped characters in a string. 我已使用以下代码替换字符串中的转义字符。 I have first done splitting by \\n and the used re.sub() , but still I dont know what I am missing, the code is not working according to the expectations. 我首先完成了\\n和使用的re.sub()拆分,但是仍然不知道我缺少什么,代码无法按照预期工作。 I am a newbie at Python, so please don't judge if there are optimisation problems. 我是Python的新手,所以请不要判断是否存在优化问题。 Here is my code : 这是我的代码

#import sys
import re

String = "1\r\r\t\r\n2\r\r\n3\r\r\r\r\n\r\n\r4\n\r"
splitString = String.split('\n')
replacedStrings = []

for oneString in splitString:
    #oneString = oneString.replace(r'^(.?)*(\\[^n])+(.?)*$', "")
    oneString = re.sub(r'^(.?)*(\\[^n])+(.?)*$', "", oneString)
    replacedStrings.insert(i, oneString)

    i += 1


My aim here is: I need the values only (without the escaped sequences) as the split strings. 我的目的是:我只需要值(无转义序列)作为分割字符串。

My approach here is: 我的方法是:

  1. I have split the string by \\n that gives me array list of separate strings. 我用\\n分割了字符串,这给了我单独的字符串的数组列表。
  2. Then, I have checked each string using the regex, if the regex matches, then the matched substring is replaced to "". 然后,我使用正则表达式检查了每个字符串,如果正则表达式匹配,则将匹配的子字符串替换为“”。
  3. Then I have pushed those strings to a collection, thinking that it will store the replaced strings in the new array list. 然后,我将这些字符串推送到集合中,以为它将替换后的字符串存储在新数组列表中。

So basically, I am through with 1 and 2, but currently I am stuck at 3. Following is my Output: 基本上,我完成了1和2,但目前停留在3。以下是我的输出:



['1\r\r\t\r', '2\r\r', '3\r\r\r\r', '\r', '\r4', '\r']

You might find it easier to use re.findall here with the simple pattern \\S+ : 您可能会发现使用带有简单模式\\S+ re.findall更加容易:

input = "1\r\r\t\r\n2\r\r\n3\r\r\r\r\n\r\n\r4\n\r"
output = re.findall(r'\S+', input)

['1', '2', '3', '4']

This approach will isolate and match any islands of one or more non whitespace characters. 这种方法将隔离并匹配一个或多个非空白字符的任何岛。

Edit: 编辑:

Based on your new input data, we can try matching on the pattern [^\\r\\n\\t]+ : 根据您的新输入数据,我们可以尝试对[^\\r\\n\\t]+模式进行匹配:

input = "jkahdjkah \r\r\t\r\nA: B\r\r\nA : B\r\r\r\r\n\r\n\r4\n\r"
output = re.findall(r'[^\r\n\t]+', input)

['jkahdjkah ', 'A: B', 'A : B', '4']

re.sub isn't really the right tool for the job here. re.sub并不是真正适合此处工作的工具。 What would be on the table is split or re.findall , because you want to repeatedly match/isolate a certain part of your text. 表格中的内容re.findall splitre.findall ,因为您要重复匹配/隔离文本的特定部分。 re.sub is useful for taking a string and transforming it to something else. re.sub对于获取字符串并将其转换为其他字符串很有用。 It can be used to extract text, but does not work so well for multiple matches. 可以用于提取文本,但在多个匹配项中效果不佳。

You were almost there, I would just use string.strip() to replace multiple \\r and \\n at the start and the end of the strings string.strip() ,我只需要使用string.strip()在字符串的开头和结尾替换多个\\r\\n

String = "1\r\r\t\r\n2\r\r\n3\r\r\r\r\n\r\n\r4\n\r"
splitString = String.split('\n')
replacedStrings = []

for oneString in splitString:
    s = oneString.strip()
    if s != '':


The output will look like 输出看起来像

['1', '2', '3', '4']

For "jkahdjkah \\r\\r\\t\\r\\nA: B\\r\\r\\nA : B\\r\\r\\r\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r4\\n\\r" , the output will be ['jkahdjkah', 'A: B', 'A : B', '4'] 对于"jkahdjkah \\r\\r\\t\\r\\nA: B\\r\\r\\nA : B\\r\\r\\r\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r4\\n\\r" ,输出为['jkahdjkah', 'A: B', 'A : B', '4']

I have found one more method, this seems to work fine, it might not be as optimised as the other answers, but its just another way: 我发现了另一种方法,这种方法似乎可以很好地工作,它可能没有其他答案那样优化,但它只是另一种方法:

import re
splitString = []
String = "jhgdf\r\r\t\r\nA  : B\r\r\nA  : B\r\r\r\r\n\r\n\rA: B\n\r"
splitString = re.compile('[\r\t\n]+').split(String)
if "" in splitString:

I added it here, so that people going through the same trouble as me, might want to overlook this approach too. 我在这里添加了它,这样与我同样遇到麻烦的人们可能也想忽略这种方法。

Following is the Output that I have got after using the above code: 以下是使用上面的代码后得到的输出:

['jhgdf', 'A  : B', 'A  : B', 'A: B']

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