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Xamarin iOS < 11

[英]Xamarin iOS < 11

I am trying to get just a "hello world" single view iOS app running on an iOS 10 simulator but it just immediately crashes/exits out of the program, it does not even appear to hit the entry point of the app.我试图让一个“hello world”单视图 iOS 应用程序在 iOS 10 模拟器上运行,但它只是立即崩溃/退出程序,它甚至似乎没有到达应用程序的入口点。 Any thoughts?有什么想法吗?

I've tried using -- Visual Studio 2019 (Windows 10 paired to mac -- mojave) -- Visual Studio directly on the mac.我已经尝试在 Mac 上直接使用——Visual Studio 2019(Windows 10 与 mac 配对——mojave)——Visual Studio。

Running the same app on anything 11.0 and greater works as expected.在任何 11.0 及更高版本上运行相同的应用程序都能按预期工作。

The version of xcode on the mac is 10.2.1, mac is mojave 10.14.4. mac上的xcode版本是10.2.1,mac是mojave 10.14.4。

Found the issue here the described workaround:此处找到问题描述的解决方法:

Workaround: change the Linker behavior in the iOS project's Build options to Link Framework SDKs only and add --registrar:static to the additional mtouch arguments in the same Build options page.解决方法:将 iOS 项目的构建选项中的Link Framework SDKs only Linker behavior更改为Link Framework SDKs only 并将--registrar:static添加到同一构建选项页面中的其他 mtouch 参数。

solves the issue.解决了这个问题。

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