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[英]React not rendering props but can see in console.log

in my render, I have this const arr = [] 在我的渲染中,我有这个const arr = []

In my return I have this 作为回报,我有这个

    this.state.rows.map((qc) =>
        qc.BinsByDayByOrchardsQCs.map((qc2) =>
            qc2.BinsByDayByOrchardsQCsDefects.map((qc3) =>
              {!arr.includes(qc3.Defect) && arr.push(qc3.Defect) &&
                (<div className="row table">
                    <div className="column-label bold">{qc3.Defect}</div>
                    {console.log("testing", qc3.Defect)}

In my console.log I can actually see the 4 results, which is my desired outcome. 在console.log中,我实际上可以看到4个结果,这是我想要的结果。 It looks like this: 看起来像这样:

testing Scuff
testing Sunburn
testing Bruise
testing Hail damage

Any ideas on why nothing is rendering on the page? 关于为什么页面上什么都没有呈现的任何想法?

Because you have curly braces {} , you need to either change them to parentheses () or use an explicit return statement: 因为您有花括号{} ,所以需要将其更改为括号()或使用显式的return语句:

qc2.BinsByDayByOrchardsQCsDefects.map((qc3) =>
    {!arr.includes(qc3.Defect) && arr.push(qc3.Defect) &&
        (<div className="row table">
            <div className="column-label bold">{qc3.Defect}</div>
            {console.log("testing", qc3.Defect)}

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