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[英]How to run a statement on the main thread from a task

I create a task as below: 我创建了一个如下任务:

ExportTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ExcelExport(rs, ReportCenter));

Inside the ExcelExport() method I like to run a statement that will save an excel spreadsheet, but it needs to be on the main thread: 在ExcelExport()方法内部,我喜欢运行一个保存excel电子表格的语句,但它需要在主线程上:

workbook.SaveAs(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AppSettingsUtils.GetString("ExportExcelFileName")) ? "Export.xlsx" : AppSettingsUtils.GetString("ExportExcelFileName"), Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel2013);

For that matter I'm curious on how to get a value from a statement such as this in a task as well: 就此而言,我很好奇如何在任务中从这样的语句中获取值:

ReportCenter = HttpContext.Current.Profile.GetPropertyValue("ReportCenter");

Seems to be a lot of info on windows forms but having trouble finding for web forms. 似乎是Windows窗体上的很多信息,但无法找到Web表单。 How can I accomplish this? 我怎么能做到这一点?

Task.Factory.Start will fire up a new Thread and because the HttpContext.Context is local to a thread it won't be automaticly copied to the new Thread, so you need to pass it by hand: Task.Factory.Start将启动一个新的Thread ,因为HttpContext.Context是一个thread本地,它不会被自动复制到新的Thread,所以你需要手动传递它:

var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(
    state =>
            var context = (HttpContext) state;
            //use context

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