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[英]How to combine layers based on different datasets with ggplot2 in R

I'd like to produce a plot that shows a time series followed by a set of forecast distributions, each represented as a violin plot. 我想制作一个显示时间序列的图,然后显示一组预测分布,每个分布都以小提琴图表示。 The example code below creates and plots a time series (as a line plot) and two violin plots separately. 下面的示例代码分别创建和绘制一个时间序列(作为线图)和两个小提琴图。

x <- data.frame(time=1:50, dat=rnorm(50))

y1 <- rnorm(500)
y2 <- rnorm(500, sd=5)
y <- data.frame(time=as.factor(c(rep(51,500),rep(52,500))), dat=c(y1,y2)) 

ggplot(x, aes(x=time, y=dat)) +

ggplot(y, aes(x=time, y=dat)) +

How can I combine these into a single chart with a line plot from time points 1 to 50 (along the x axis) followed by the two violin plots at time points 51 and 52, respectively? 如何将它们组合成一个图表,并具有从时间点1到50(沿x轴)的线图,然后分别是在时间点51和52的两个小提琴图?

I'm not sure you can plot discrete and continuous variables on the same axis. 我不确定您是否可以在同一轴上绘制离散变量和连续变量。 So you'll have to compromise. 因此,您必须妥协。 Markus has opted to discretize the x variables while I prefer to make y variable into continuous. Markus选择离散化x变量,而我更喜欢使y变量连续。 Notice that I've changed the way y is generated (removed the factor). 注意,我已经更改了y的生成方式(删除了因子)。


x <- data.frame(time=1:50, dat=rnorm(50))

y1 <- rnorm(500)
y2 <- rnorm(500, sd=5)
y <- data.frame(time=c(rep(51, 500), rep(52, 500)), dat=c(y1,y2)) 

ggplot(x, aes(x = time, y = dat)) +
  theme_bw() +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 52)) +
  geom_line() + 
  geom_violin(data = y, aes(group = as.factor(time)))


You need to convert your y$time factor levels to integer , add a grouping variable, and move your data = ... to the specific geoms. 您需要将y$time因子级别转换为integer ,添加分组变量,然后将data = ...移动到特定几何。 1

# Transform your factor variable to its factor levels
y$time <- as.integer(levels(y$time))[y$time]

# Plot with grouping for the violin plot (as x is not a factor anymore) 
ggplot() + 
    geom_line(data = x, aes(x = time, y = dat)) + 
    geom_violin(data = y, aes(x = time, y = dat, group = time))

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