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[英]how to define a variable inside a stored procedure query?

I am newbie to Stored Procedures. 我是存储过程的新手。 how can I define a variable to be used inside a sql query? 如何定义要在sql查询中使用的变量? here is my code but when I run this stored procedure I get this error: 这是我的代码,但是当我运行此存储过程时,出现此错误:

An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'or'. 在需要条件的上下文中在“或”附近指定的非布尔类型的表达式。

this is my code: 这是我的代码:

 declare @sql nvarchar(MAX)
    Declare @availabilityStatus nvarchar(MAX)
            IF @Availability = 1
                set @availabilityStatus = '0 or 1 or 2'
                set @availabilityStatus = '1'
            set @sql = 
                'SELECT Distinct P.ProductId, P.BrandId, P.[' + @OrderIndex + ']  FROM Products P INNER JOIN ProductStores PS ON P.ProductId = PS.ProductId ' +
                'Where PS.StoreId = @StoreId and (PS.Status = ' + @availabilityStatus + 'or PS.AvailabilityRank < '

this @Availability variable is an input that I have defined at the beginning of the stored procedure. @Availability变量是我在存储过程开始时定义的输入。

An IN clause will work nicely here as it will work for both single values and a comma-separated list of values.. IN子句在这里可以很好地工作,因为它既可以用于单个值,也可以用于逗号分隔的值列表。

 CREATE PROC YourProcName (@Availability int) AS declare @sql nvarchar(MAX) Declare @availabilityStatus nvarchar(MAX) BEGIN IF @Availability = 1 set @availabilityStatus = '0, 1, 2' ELSE set @availabilityStatus = '1' set @sql = 'SELECT Distinct P.ProductId, P.BrandId, P.[' + @OrderIndex + '] FROM Products P INNER JOIN ProductStores PS ON P.ProductId = PS.ProductId ' + 'Where PS.StoreId = @StoreId and PS.Status IN (' + @availabilityStatus + ') or PS.AvailabilityRank < ' -- the rest of your @sql code -- the rest of your code END GO 

您是否尝试添加方括号,例如(@Availability = 1)

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