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[英]How to preview CKEditor content on Bootstrap modal using JQuery

I want to get an input from users using CKEditor textarea and that value should be displayed on a Bootstrap Modal without post back the page. 我想从使用CKEditor textarea用户那里获得输入,并且该值应显示在Bootstrap Modal上,而无需回发页面。 I'm using jQuery . 我正在使用jQuery

How can I implement that? 我该如何实施?

This is my code: 这是我的代码:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#btnPreview").click(function() {
    var content = CKEDITOR.instances['editor1'].getData();



I think you meant: 我想你的意思是:

$( '#display_div' ).html(content);

instead of 代替

$( '#display_div' ).val(content);

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