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[英]How do I move a product div from left or right and up or down using And Store its position

How do I move a product div from left or right and up or down using And Store its position for next time visit 我如何使用左右移动产品div并存储其位置以供下次访问

I want to move div with some animation and sequence it and store in using php 我想用一些动画移动div并对其进行排序,并使用php进行存储

Buttons 纽扣

            <button type="button" href="#addProductModel"  data-toggle="modal" class="btn btn-success card-link px-2!important" style="width: 78px;background-color: #3CB371;border-color: #3CB371 ;color: #302D45">Add</button>
            <button type="button" id="btn-edit-product" class="btn btn-danger" href="#editProductModel" data-toggle="modal" class="btn btn-success card-link px-2!important" style="width: 78px;background-color:#FF7F50;border-color: #FF7F50 ;color: #302D45">Edit</button>
            <span> </span>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-dark" style="margin-left:30px" >Row Up</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-dark" >Row Down</button>
            <button id="btn_left" type="button" class="btn btn-dark" style="width: 78px;">Left</button>
            <button id="btn_right" type="button" class="btn btn-dark" style="width: 78px;">Right</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger"  data-toggle="modal" onclick="fn_delete_img();" style="width: 78px;margin-left:30px;color: #302D45;background-color: #FF6347;border-color: #FF6347">Delete</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" onclick="fn_hide_img();" style="width: 78px;background-color: #FFA500;border-color: #FFA500">Hide</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" onclick="fn_show_img();"  style="width: 78px;background-color: #FFA500;border-color: #FFA500">show</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" style="width: 78px;color: black">Report</button>

Here is Product fetch from database 这是从数据库获取产品

<div class="container">
   <div class="row" style="color:#FA5C43;font-family:Impact;font-size:24px;">
      <div class="col-sm-12">
   <div class="row">
      <?php foreach ( $fetchproduct as $prodduct):?>
      <div class="col-sm-3 col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-xm-3 col-xl-3 col-xs-3" style="padding-top: 23px" id="<?php echo $prodduct->pid;?>">
         <div class="card">
            <!-- <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="check1" style="margin-left: 10px;margin-top: 10px" /> -->
            <input type="checkbox"  name="product_checkbox" class="product_checkbox" id="product_checkbox_<?php echo $prodduct->pid;?>" value="<?php echo $prodduct->pid; ?>" style="margin-left: 8px; margin-top: 8px; position: absolute;left: 0px;top: 0px;"/>
            <img src="<?php echo base_url();echo $prodduct->p_imgthumburl?>" class="card-img-top" alt="">
            <div class="card-body" style="text-align:center;background-color: #303030;font-family:Arial;font-size:13px; height: 170px;">
               <strong style="color:#DCDCDC;font-family:Arial;font-size:19px;"><?php echo $prodduct->p_name_en ;?></strong><br>
               <strong class="card-text" style="color:#FFFFFF;font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;"><?php echo $prodduct->p_description_en ;?></strong>


  <?php endforeach;?>

I did for a left button with a swap function 我做了一个带有交换功能的左键


    $.fn.swapWith = function(that) {
          var $this = this;
          var $that = $(that);
          // create temporary placeholder
          var $temp = $("<div>");
          // 3-step swap
          return $this;

    $('#btn_left').on('click', function(event) {
        /* Act on the event */
        console.log("InsideLeft Button");
        var currentCheckBoxId = $('input[name=product_checkbox]:checked').val();
        var currentDivId=$("#"+currentCheckBoxId).parent().parent().attr('id');
        var swapCheckBoxId="product_checkbox_4";
        var swapDivId=$("#"+swapCheckBoxId).parent().parent().attr('id');




Try with this code: 尝试使用以下代码:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#moveleft').click(function() {
        'marginLeft' : "-=30px" //moves left
    $('#moveright').click(function() {
        'marginLeft' : "+=30px" //moves right
    $('#movedown').click(function() {
        'marginTop' : "+=30px" //moves down
    $('#moveup').click(function() {
        'marginTop' : "-=30px" //moves up

<div style="padding:20px;"> <button id="moveleft">Move Left</button>  <button id="moveright">Move right</button> <button id="movedown">Move Down</button> <button id="moveup">Move Up</button></div>
<div id="textbox" style="position:absolute;padding:10px;background:#FFFFCC;width:300px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas nec tincidunt purus. Donec eleifend libero in orci mattis pulvinar. Ut et felis eu leo malesuada eleifend. Ut sit amet odio eu ipsum rutrum consequat. Aliquam congue ultricies sagittis.</div>

Go through below url for reference: https://www.sanwebe.com/2011/12/jquery-move-div-leftrightupdown 浏览以下网址以供参考: https : //www.sanwebe.com/2011/12/jquery-move-div-leftrightupdown

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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