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[英]How to give command line option in java program?

I want to use Java flight recorder while running my java program.我想在运行我的 Java 程序时使用 Java 飞行记录器。 Can I pass arguments in java program itself and not while running the application.我可以在java程序本身而不是在运行应用程序时传递参数吗?

For ex: I have a java class say "HelloWorld.class" I want to use java flight recorder while running this which i can achieve with例如:我有一个 java 类说“HelloWorld.class”我想在运行它时使用 java 飞行记录器,我可以用它来实现

java -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder HelloWorld java -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder HelloWorld

But I want to achieve this unlocking commercial feature and start flight recorder from my java code.但是我想实现这个解锁商业功能并从我的java代码启动飞行记录器。 Is it possible?是否可以?

You should only do this if you have a commercial license from Oracle, and you should not put it into library code, so others by mistake unlocks it in production without their knowledge.只有在您拥有 Oracle 的商业许可时才应该这样做,并且不应将其放入库代码中,以免其他人在他们不知情的情况下错误地在生产中解锁它。

At runtime, it's probably easiest to do在运行时,这可能是最容易做到的

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("jcmd " + pid + " VM.unlock_commercial_features");

In JDK 9 or later, you can get the pid from ProcessHandle;在 JDK 9 或更高版本中,您可以从 ProcessHandle 中获取 pid;


In earlier releases, you can get the pid from RuntimeMXBean:在早期版本中,您可以从 RuntimeMXBean 获取 pid:

String jvmName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName();
int index = jvmName.indexOf("@");
String pid = jvmName.substring(0, index);

Another alternative is to do it over JMX using DiagnosticCommandMXBean.另一种选择是使用 DiagnosticCommandMXBean 通过 JMX 来完成。

    ObjectName on = new ObjectName("com.sun.management:type=DiagnosticCommand"); 
    Object[] a = new Object[] {
        new String[] {
    String[] sig = new String[] {"[Ljava.lang.String;"};
    ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer().invoke(on, "vmUnlockCommercialFeatures", a, sig);

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