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[英]forEach loop returns undefined value

I've dummy data (books) which I want see from graphiql gui . 我想从graphiql gui看到虚拟数据(书籍)。 But when I use a forEach loop to iterate through the books, looking for a specific id , it's returning undefined values, but if I use a normal for loop it works fine. 但是当我使用forEach循环遍历书籍,寻找特定的id ,它返回未定义的值,但是如果我使用普通的for循环它可以正常工作。

This is my code: 这是我的代码:

let books = [
    { name: 'Name of the Wind', genre: 'Horror', id: '1', authorID: '3' },
    { name: 'The Final Empire', genre: 'Fantasy', id: '2', authorID: '1' },
    { name: 'The Long Earth', genre: 'Sci-Fi', id: '3', authorID: '2' },
const RootQuery = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'RootQueryType',
    fields: {
        book: {
            type: BookType,
            args: { id: { type: GraphQLString } },
            //this forEach is not working
            resolve(parent, args){
                books.forEach( function(book) {
                    if(book.id == args.id) {
                        return book;

When I print out the book data, it's showing that particular book in the console but not in the GUI response: 当我打印出书籍数据时,它会在控制台中显示该特定书籍,但不会显示在GUI响应中:

  book(id: "2") {
  "data": {
    "book": null

A return <value> in a forEach callback is meaningless. forEach回调中的return <value>是没有意义的。 The returned value goes nowhere, and the loop is not interrupted either. 返回的值无处可去,循环也不会中断。

Instead use .find : 而是使用.find

return books.find(function(book) {
    return book.id == args.id;

When performance is important, and you have lots of books, then it is better to first preprocess the books and create a Set: 当性能很重要,而且你有很多书籍时,最好先对书籍进行预处理并创建一个Set:

let books = [
    { name: 'Name of the Wind', genre: 'Horror', id: '1', authorID: '3' },
    { name: 'The Final Empire', genre: 'Fantasy', id: '2', authorID: '1' },
    { name: 'The Long Earth', genre: 'Sci-Fi', id: '3', authorID: '2' },
let bookIds = new Set(books.map(({id}) => id));

... and then no loop is needed to know whether a book ID is valid or not: ...然后不需要循环来知道书籍ID是否有效:

return bookIds.has(args.id);

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