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在 jasmine-protractor 函数中使用 async/await 时出错

[英]Giving error on using async/await in jasmine-protractor functions

I am doing an e2e testing on my angular site using protractor-jasmine.我正在使用 protractor-jasmine 在我的角度站点上进行 e2e 测试。 On using async functions and await for rest of the code returning promise is giving error in Jasmine-protractor.在使用异步函数并等待返回承诺的其余代码时,在 Jasmine-protractor 中出现错误。


it('Sub-folder: Manage permission, Edit Folder name, Create Template, View Template', async ()=> {
await obj.getURL();
await obj.TealoginButton.click();
await browser.sleep(2000);

Console Error:控制台错误:

Error: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: "both angularJS testability and angular testability are undefined.  This could be either because this is a non-angular page or because your test involves client-side navigation, which can interfere with Protractor's bootstrapping.  See http://git.io/v4gXM for details"

In eclipse it's showing error on those lines where async / await are written.在 Eclipse 中,它在写入async / await那些行上显示错误。 在此处输入图片说明

I am using Page object model for dynamic elements.我正在为动态元素使用 Page 对象模型。 var obj= require("./somefile.js");

somefile.js:- somefile.js:-

function  globalVariables()
this.TealoginUname= element(by.model("vm.login.userid"));
this.TealoginPass= element(by.model("vm.login.password"));
this.TealoginButton= element(by.xpath("//*[@id='login-form']/form[1]/button"));


without importing the locators add it in your test file不导入定位器将其添加到您的测试文件中

const TealoginUname= element(by.model("vm.login.userid"));
const TealoginPass= element(by.model("vm.login.password"));
const TealoginButton= element(by.xpath("//*[@id='login-form']/form[1]/button"));

Try the below one试试下面的

it('Sub-folder: Manage permission, Edit Folder name, Create Template, View Template', async ()=> {
await broswer.get('add your url here');
await browser.waitForAngularEnabled(true); // To make protractor wait for all the http request to get compelted
await TealoginUname.sendKeys(data.uname);
await TealoginPass.sendKeys(data.pass);
await TealoginButton.click();
await browser.sleep(2000);

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