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PSD2 SagePay - 有什么要求

[英]PSD2 SagePay - what requirements

Do I need to change anything within my payment gateway script on my ecommerce website, so it complies with PSD2 requirements on sagepay hosted?我是否需要更改电子商务网站上的支付网关脚本中的任何内容,以使其符合 sagepay 托管的 PSD2 要求? I don't take payments on my website, but redirect people to SagePay.我不在我的网站上接受付款,而是将人们重定向到 SagePay。

My question is according to Septembers EU law changes.我的问题是根据 9 月欧盟法律的变化。

With any luck, you won't need to make any changes, as SagePay should handle the SCA process for you via 3D secure V2.运气好的话,您不需要进行任何更改,因为 SagePay 应该通过 3D 安全 V2 为您处理 SCA 流程。 You will probably already have needed to upgrade your protocol version from 2.x to 3.0 ( https://www.sagepay.co.uk/support/12/36/sage-pay-version-3-00-understanding-the-process ), and if you have, then SagePay should take care of the 3DS process for you, and hopefully will upgrade that process to 3DS2 when they see fit.您可能已经需要将协议版本从 2.x 升级到 3.0 ( https://www.sagepay.co.uk/support/12/36/sage-pay-version-3-00-understanding-the-流程),如果您有,那么 SagePay 应该为您处理 3DS 流程,并希望在他们认为合适时将该流程升级到 3DS2。

You will need to ensure that you have 3DS turned on in your SagePay account ( https://www.sagepay.co.uk/support/28/36/activating-adding-a-3d-secure-rule )您需要确保在您的 SagePay 帐户中打开了 3DS ( https://www.sagepay.co.uk/support/28/36/activation-adding-a-3d-secure-rule )

This article: https://www.sagepay.co.uk/support/12/36/3d-secure-explained suggests that "Depending on which payment integration your site uses with Sage Pay you may have to make some changes to the integration, so it is important to flag with your developer/IT that you may need to make some development changes in June / July / August to ensure they will be ready to act for you. Specific details will be available in May."这篇文章: https : //www.sagepay.co.uk/support/12/36/3d-secure-explained建议“根据您的网站与 Sage Pay 使用的支付集成,您可能需要对集成进行一些更改,因此重要的是要向您的开发人员/IT 发出通知,您可能需要在 6 月/7 月/8 月进行一些开发更改,以确保他们准备好为您采取行动。具体细节将在 5 月提供。” However, it's now June, and I haven't seen any such "specific details".然而,现在是六月,我还没有看到任何这样的“具体细节”。

I'm not involved with SagePay, so I don't have any further knowledge than that - we too have an integration with SagePay, so I'm also waiting for further confirmation from them on what steps will need to be taken.我没有参与 SagePay,所以我没有更多的知识 - 我们也有与 SagePay 的集成,所以我也在等待他们进一步确认需要采取哪些步骤。

If you use the SagePay REST API (I don't think this applies to OP) then there are some changes you may need to make, the docs for it are available at https://developer.sage.com/api/payments/api/如果您使用 SagePay REST API(我认为这不适用于 OP),那么您可能需要进行一些更改,其文档可在https://developer.sage.com/api/payments/接口/

As far as I understand it the old system is still available and working but implementing these changes should allow you to use frictionless checkout (where 3DS is automatically confirmed) and 2FA.据我了解,旧系统仍然可用并且可以正常工作,但实施这些更改应该允许您使用无摩擦结帐(自动确认 3DS)和 2FA。

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