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[英]Overlapping named capturing groups

I'm using named capturing groups to validate and extract data out of a product number. 我正在使用命名的捕获组来验证和提取产品编号中的数据。 The format of the product number looks like this: 产品编号的格式如下:


Chars 1-2     gender_code   11
Chars 1-6     style         110296
Chars 7-8     width_code    1D
Chars 9-11    color_code    048
Char  12      delimiter     ignored
Chars 13-15   size_code     075

My current code looks like this: 我当前的代码如下所示:

 const validateMpn = (mpn) => { const regex = /(?<style>\\d{6})(?<width>\\d{1}[ABDE])(?<color_code>\\d{3})\\.(?<size_code>\\d{3})/gi const match = regex.exec(mpn) if (!match) { return null } return match.groups } const str1 = '1102961D048.075' const str2 = '1200322A001.085' const match1 = validateMpn(str1) const match2 = validateMpn(str2) console.log(match1) console.log(match2) 

As gender_code and style overlap I'm not sure how to get them both. 由于gender_codestyle重叠,因此我不确定如何将两者兼而有之。 Therefore I have the following questions: 因此,我有以下问题:

  1. Is it possible to this with only one regular expression? 仅使用一个正则表达式是否可以做到这一点?
  2. If yes, how could I accomplish this? 如果是,我该怎么做?

Sure, just place gender inside the style group: 当然,只需将gender放入style组中即可:

 const validateMpn = (mpn) => { const regex = /(?<style>(?<gender>\\d{2})\\d{4})(?<width>\\d{1}[ABDE])(?<color_code>\\d{3})\\.(?<size_code>\\d{3})/gi const match = regex.exec(mpn) if (!match) { return null } return match.groups } const str1 = '1102961D048.075' const str2 = '1200322A001.085' const match1 = validateMpn(str1) const match2 = validateMpn(str2) console.log(match1) console.log(match2) 

I suggest just having separate capture groups for the first two and four following characters. 我建议对于前两个和后四个字符仅使用单独的捕获组。 Then, form the style by just concatenating together the first two capture groups: 然后,通过将前两个捕获组连接在一起来形成style

 var input = "1102961D048.075"; var regex = /(.{2})(.{4})(.{2})(.{3}).(.{3})/g; var match = regex.exec(input); console.log("gender_code: " + match[1]); console.log("style: " + match[1] + match[2]); 

As a style note, I prefer not using named capture groups, because they tend to result in a bloated regex which is hard to read. 作为样式说明,我更喜欢不使用命名捕获组,因为它们会导致难以理解的膨胀正则表达式。

Yes you can capture gender_code using positive look ahead using this regex, 是的,您可以使用此正则表达式以积极的眼光捕获性别代码,


Regex Demo 正则表达式演示

This is named groups regex but will only work in Chrome browser 这被命名为“ groups regex”,但仅适用于Chrome浏览器

and named capture grouping will be available in ECMAScript 2018 and is only supported in Chrome as of now. 和命名的捕获分组将在ECMAScript 2018中可用,并且目前仅在Chrome中受支持。

This JS demo will work in Chrome as that is the only one as of now supporting EcmaScript2018, 此JS演示将在Chrome中运行,因为这是目前支持EcmaScript2018的唯一演示,

 const validateMpn = (mpn) => { const regex = /(?=(?<gender_code>\\d\\d))(?<style>\\d{6})(?<width>\\d{1}[ABDE])(?<color_code>\\d{3})\\.(?<size_code>\\d{3})/gi const match = regex.exec(mpn) if (!match) { return null } return match.groups } const str1 = '1102961D048.075' const str2 = '1200322A001.085' const match1 = validateMpn(str1) const match2 = validateMpn(str2) console.log(match1) console.log(match2) 

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