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[英]How to pass HashSet to server to test API from postman?

I created an API which I want to test using postman. 我创建了一个我想用邮递员测试的API。 My api is accepting many parameters and one parameter is HAshSet. 我的api接受了很多参数,一个参数是HAshSet。 I dont know how to pass HashSet parameter using postman. 我不知道如何使用邮递员传递HashSet参数。 Please help me. 请帮我。 Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

    @ApiOperation(value = "collectMultiInvoices", nickname = "collectMultiInvoices")
    public BaseResponse collectAmountMultipleInvoices(@RequestParam(value = "invoice_id") HashSet<Integer> invoiceIds,
                                      @RequestParam("date") String _date,
                                      @RequestParam(value = "cash", required = false) Float cashAmount,
                                      @RequestParam(value = "chequeAmount", required = false) Float chequeAmount,
                                      @RequestParam(value = "chequeNumber", required = false) String chequeNumber,
                                      @RequestParam(value = "chequeDate", required = false) String _chequeDate,
                                      @RequestParam(value = "chequeImage", required = false) MultipartFile chequeImage,
                                      @RequestParam(value = "chequeBankName", required = false) String chequeBankName,
                                      @RequestParam(value = "chequeBankBranch", required = false) String chequeBankBranch,
                                      @RequestParam(value = "otherPaymentAmount", required = false) Float otherPaymentAmount,
                                      @RequestParam(value = "otherPaymentType", required = false) Integer otherPaymentType,
                                      @RequestParam(value = "otherPaymentTransactionId", required = false) String otherPaymentTransactionId,
                                      @RequestParam(value = "discountPercentorAmount", required = false) String discountPercentorAmount,
                                      @RequestParam(value = "discountId", required = false) String discountId) throws AppException.RequestFieldError, AppException.CollectionAmountMoreThanOutstanding {

//method implementation


A Set or HashSet is a java concept. SetHashSet是一个java概念。 There is no such thing as a Set from the HTTP perspective, and there is no such thing as a Set in Postman. 有一个这样的东西Set从HTTP的角度来看,并没有作为一个没有这样的东西Set在邮差。 So from Postman, you need to send the invoice_ids in a format that Spring's parsing library can convert to a HashSet . 所以从Postman,您需要以Spring的解析库可以转换为HashSet的格式发送invoice_ids As @Michael pointed out in the comments, one way to do this is to comma separate the invoice_id s like this: invoice_id=id1,id2,id3 . 正如@Michael在评论中指出的那样,一种方法是用逗号分隔invoice_id如下所示: invoice_id=id1,id2,id3 When Spring processes this request, it will see that you are expecting data in the form of a HashSet , so it will attempt to convert id1,id2,id3 into a HashSet<Integer> , which it knows how to do automatically. 当Spring处理这个请求时,它会看到你期望HashSet形式的数据,所以它会尝试将id1,id2,id3转换为HashSet<Integer> ,它知道如何自动执行。

Side note: Unless you specifically need a HashSet , it is considered good practice to declare your type using the interface instead of an implementing subclass. 旁注:除非您特别需要HashSet ,否则使用接口而不是实现子类声明类型被认为是一种好习惯。 So in this situation I would recommend changing your method signature to accept a Set<Integer> instead of a HashSet<Integer> 所以在这种情况下,我建议更改方法签名以接受Set<Integer>而不是HashSet<Integer>

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