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[英]FIWARE: authentication between IoT Agent and Context Broker

I've been tinkering with Fiware and trying to understand how to handle security.我一直在修补 Fiware 并试图了解如何处理安全问题。 This diagram shows an example of using proxies to authenticate requests.此图显示了使用代理对请求进行身份验证的示例。


But I don't see any authentication between the IoT Agent and the Context Broker.但我没有看到 IoT 代理和上下文代理之间的任何身份验证。 I would have guessed that the IoT Agent is intended to be a gateway device running on hardware physically located adjacant to the devices.我猜想 IoT 代理旨在成为在物理上与设备相邻的硬件上运行的网关设备。 But if that's the case with this setup then there's no authentication when making calls to the Context Broker.但是,如果此设置是这种情况,则在调用上下文代理时无需进行身份验证。

Is the IoT Agent only intended to be hosted in the cloud within the same network as the Context Broker?物联网代理是否仅打算托管在与上下文代理相同的网络中的云中? Or is there some way to insert a proxy between them that handles security?或者有什么方法可以在它们之间插入一个代理来处理安全性?

It is based on the scenario in which these components are configured.它基于配置这些组件的场景。 Generally the data are being sent to Context Broker from devices via pep-proxy and iotagent.通常,数据通过 pep-proxy 和 iotagent 从设备发送到上下文代理。
We implemented a scenario in which the devices sends context information to Context Broker, in this case the authentication of access token and devices will be done by Wilma/Keyrock before information is processed to iotagent and then to Orion(Context Broker).我们实现了一个场景,其中设备将上下文信息发送到上下文代理,在这种情况下,访问令牌和设备的身份验证将由 Wilma/Keyrock 完成,然后信息被处理到 iotagent,然后到 Orion(上下文代理)。 In the above case, the link between iotagent and Orion(Context Broker) is hidden(private), one does not accesses Orion or iotagent directly from public domain and the whole scenario have only exposed endpoint of Wilma(pep-proxy).在上面的例子中,iotagent 和 Orion(Context Broker)之间的链接是隐藏的(私有的),不能直接从公共域访问 Orion 或 iotagent,整个场景只暴露了 Wilma(pep-proxy)的端点。 So, everytime a device sends data, it can only sends to Wilma, and after authentication by Keyrock it is then processed to iotagent and ultimately to Orion.因此,每次设备发送数据时,它只能发送到 Wilma,经过 Keyrock 认证后,再处理到 iotagent,最终发送到 Orion。

The iotagent doesn't generally run adjacently to end devices. iotagent 通常不会与终端设备相邻运行。 they run on cloud nodes along with other FIWARE components, the devices are located remotely.它们与其他 FIWARE 组件一起在云节点上运行,这些设备位于远程。

For more details refer this https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/513743/RWaHxUgP有关更多详细信息,请参阅此https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/513743/RWaHxUgP

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