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pytest 测试参数化覆盖

[英]pytest test parameterization override

I am currently parametrizing all of my testcases using pytest_generate_tests and this works well.我目前正在使用pytest_generate_tests参数化我的所有测试用例,这很好用。

What I'd like to do now is override this behavior for a specific test.我现在想做的是为特定测试覆盖此行为。 If I try and use the pytest.mark.parametrize decorator on the test itself, I get a ValueError: duplicate error which is understandable as I'm now trying to parametrize the test in two places.如果我尝试在测试本身上使用pytest.mark.parametrize装饰器, pytest.mark.parametrize收到ValueError: duplicate错误,这是可以理解的,因为我现在试图在两个地方对测试进行参数化。

Is there a way I can override the "default" parameterization for this one test case?有没有办法可以覆盖这个测试用例的“默认”参数化?

I can achieve this by doing something like the below but its a very hacky way to do it:我可以通过执行以下操作来实现这一点,但这是一种非常hacky的方法:

def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
    fixture_modes = ['mode1', 'mode2']
    if 'fixture' in metafunc.fixturenames:
        fixture  = metafunc.config.getoption('fixture')
        if fixture:
            fixture_modes = [fixture]
        if metafunc.function.__name__ != 'func_to_skip':
            metafunc.parametrize('fixture_mode', fixture_modes, indirect=True)

Is there a better way to do this?有一个更好的方法吗?

You can check whether a test defines its own parametrize marker for fixture_mode , for example例如,您可以检查测试是否为fixture_mode定义了自己的参数化标记

def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
    fixture_modes = ['spam', 'eggs']
    mark = metafunc.definition.get_closest_marker('parametrize')
    if not mark or 'fixture_mode' not in mark.args[0]:
        metafunc.parametrize('fixture_mode', fixture_modes, indirect=True)

Now, an explicit parametrization will override the default one:现在,显式参数化将覆盖默认参数化:

def test_spam(fixture_mode):

@pytest.mark.parametrize('fixture_mode', (1, 2, 3))
def test_eggs(fixture_mode):

test_spam will get the default parametrization, test_eggs a custom one: test_spam将获得默认参数化, test_eggs自定义参数化:


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