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[英]Java linked list recursive methods

I don't understand the linked list data structure and how the recursion works in it.我不了解链表数据结构以及递归如何在其中工作。 I understand normal recursion but with linked lists not at all.我理解正常的递归,但完全不理解链表。

The code is below is a linked list class with A elements.下面的代码是一个带有A元素的链表类。 It has a head as A element and the rest of the list(tail) as another linked list.它有一个头部作为A元素,列表的其余部分(尾部)作为另一个链表。

import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class LL<A>  {
  private final A hd;
  private final LL<A> tl;

  public boolean isEmpty(){    
    return hd==null && tl==null;

  public LL(A hd, LL<A> tl) {
    this.hd = hd;
    this.tl = tl;

 public LL() {

public int size() {
    if (isEmpty())    
      return 0;    
    return 1 + tl.size();

 public A get(int i) {
    return i==0?hd:tl.get(i-1);

LL<A> drop(int i){

        if(i==0) return this;

        if(i<0) return new LL<>();

        if(isEmpty()) return new LL<A>();

        return this.tl.drop(i-1);


So for example this drop method creates a new linked list with the elements other than the first i elements.因此,例如这个 drop 方法创建一个新的链表,其中包含除前i元素之外的元素。 I don't get how it works.我不明白它是如何工作的。 Let's say if I call drop(1) on a linked list what will it do step by step?假设我在链表上调用drop(1)它将逐步做什么?

drop only creates a new list in special cases. drop仅在特殊情况下创建一个新列表。

If the list has n elements and you call drop(i) where i < n, it doesn't create a new list.如果列表有 n 个元素并且您在 i < n 处调用 drop(i),它不会创建新列表。 It simply returns the i+1 'th link of the list, which is equivalent to the original list with the first i elements removed.它只是返回列表的第i+1个链接,这相当于删除了前i元素的原始列表。

this.tl is the tail of the list references by this , which in other words means this.tl is the list you get from this after removing the first element. this.tl是列表中引用的尾巴this ,这在其他的字的装置this.tl是你从获取列表this除去第一元素之后。

For example, assuming a list has at least one element, drop(1) will return this.tl.drop(0) , which will return this.tl - ie the original list without the first element.例如,假设一个列表至少有一个元素, drop(1)将返回this.tl.drop(0) ,这将返回this.tl - 即没有第一个元素的原始列表。

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