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[英]Keep Page Scroll on parent page when closing the Dialog Child Page

I'm currently working on a new dialog box and that is opened by a link in the page and once the Dialog box is closed, it refreshes the Parent page but my question is how can i stay the Parent current scroll on page refresh 我正在处理一个新的对话框,它是通过页面中的链接打开的,一旦对话框关闭,它会刷新父页面,但我的问题是如何在页面刷新时保持父当前滚动

Here is the dialog Close code: 这是对话框关闭代码:

            autoOpen: false,
            autoResize: true,
            resizable: false,
            width: 450,
            height: 400,
            modal: true,
            position: ['center', 40],
            close: function (event, ui) {
                var sss = $("#Id").val();
                var hNotif = $("#hiddenNotification").val();
                var ddlvalue = $('#NewFilterBy option:selected').val();
                var ddlStat = $('#StatusId option:selected').val();

                var url = window.location.href;
                var newUrl = updateQueryStringParameter(url, "Id", sss, "ddlFilter", ddlvalue, "statusFilter", ddlStat);
                window.location = newUrl;

What happens here now is when I close it, it refreshes and the parent stay at scroll stays at Top of the page 现在这里发生的事情就是当我关闭它时,它会刷新并且父级保持滚动停留在页面顶部

Edit: Tried adding the document.location.reload() but it loses the parameter once added 编辑:尝试添加document.location.reload()但它一旦添加就丢失参数

You can try to put a parameter 'scrollPosition' in your URL String and when your document is loaded scroll down to the position. 您可以尝试在URL字符串中放置参数“scrollPosition”,并在文档加载时向下滚动到该位置。


   //The function that scroll down
   var positionToScroll ; //You set here your variable from your server variable scrollPosition

         autoOpen: false,
         autoResize: true,
         resizable: false,
         width: 450,
         height: 400,
         modal: true,
         position: ['center', 40],
         close: function (event, ui) {
             var sss = $("#Id").val();
             var hNotif = $("#hiddenNotification").val();
             var ddlvalue = $('#NewFilterBy option:selected').val();
             var ddlStat = $('#StatusId option:selected').val();

             var url = window.location.href;
             var currentScrollPosition = $(window).scrollTop(); // The position of  the scroll bar 
             var newUrl = updateQueryStringParameter(url, "Id", sss, "ddlFilter", ddlvalue, "statusFilter", ddlStat,"scrollPosition",currentScrollPosition );
             window.location = newUrl;


Edit: If you can't SET your JS variable 'positionToScroll' from your server you can use this 编辑:如果你不能从你的服务器设置你的JS变量'positionToScroll'你可以使用它

var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sParam) {
    var sPageURL = window.location.search.substring(1),
        sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'),

    for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) {
        sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');

        if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) {
            return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true :  decodeURIComponent(sParameterName[1]);

var positionToScroll  = getUrlParameter('scrollPosition');

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