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[英]How to specify a profile when deploying a Spring boot war file to Tomcat?

At the moment, all my properties are defined in the file src/main/resources/application.properties . 目前,我的所有属性都在文件src/main/resources/application.properties However, I would like to have properties files relating to different profiles in the src/main/resources/config folder, and I want to be able to choose any of them. 但是,我想在src/main/resources/config文件夹中有与不同配置文件相关的属性文件,我希望能够选择其中任何一个。 such as: 如:

  • application-DEV.properties
  • application-TEST.properties
  • application-SERVER1.properties

So, the question is how to select these properties. 所以,问题是如何选择这些属性。 If I was compiling to a jar file, I could do that easily by specifiying the profile when running the jar file, but here I just copy the generated war file to a Tomcat webapps directory. 如果我正在编译一个jar文件,我可以通过在运行jar文件时指定配置文件轻松地做到这一点,但在这里我只是将生成的war文件复制到Tomcat webapps目录。

Well, I've found a way to do that. 好吧,我找到了办法。 In the conf directory of Tomcat, add this line to the file catalina.properties there. 在Tomcat的conf目录中,将此行添加到catalina.properties文件中。


Replace <YOUR_PROFILE> here of course with your profile's name. 当然,将<YOUR_PROFILE>替换为您的个人资料名称。 For example if you are using application-TEST.properties , it would be the following. 例如,如果您使用的是application-TEST.properties ,则它将如下所示。


您可以根据您的环境在服务器启动文件(.bat / .sh)上定义-Dspring.profiles.active=<PROFILE> Argument -Dspring.profiles.active=<PROFILE>

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