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如何从 Laravel 嵌套关系中获取数据?

[英]How to get data from Laravel nested relationship?

I am new to Laravel.我是 Laravel 的新手。 I'm having a lot of trouble getting a very-nested relationship to work correctly in laravel.我在 Laravel 中很难建立一个非常嵌套的关系才能正常工作。

The wanted behaviour is as follows,想要的行为如下,

I have 5 Models.我有 5 个模型。 Purchase , Inventory , Slab , Scarting and FloorTile . PurchaseInventorySlabScarting和地FloorTile

I have one to one relation between Purchase and Inventory Models, while inventory have further relation with slab, scarting and floortile.我在采购模型和库存模型之间有一对一的关系,而库存与平板、划痕和地板有进一步的关系。

I have purchase id and want to get data from inventory table, then get a slab_id , scarting_id or floorTile_id from inventory table and get data from the respective table.我有购买ID和希望从中获取数据inventory表,然后得到一个slab_idscarting_idfloorTile_idinventory表,并从各自的表中获取数据。

The slab_id , scarting_id and floorTile_id can be multiple against inventory id .inventory id slab_idslab_idscarting_idfloorTile_id可以是多个。

I don't know how to get data every iteration.我不知道如何在每次迭代中获取数据。

Purchase Model:购买型号:


namespace App;
use App\Inventory;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Purchase extends Model
    public function inventory()
        return $this->hasOne('App\Inventory');


Inventory Model:库存模型:


namespace App;
use App\Slab;
use App\Scarting;
use App\FloorTile;
use App\Purchase;
Use App\StandardSize;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Inventory extends Model
    public function purchase()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Purchase');

    public function standatdSize()
        return $this->hasOne('App\StandardSize');

    public function slab()
        return $this->hasOne('App\Slab');

    public function scarting()
        return $this->hasOne('App\Scarting');

    public function floorTile()
        return $this->hasOne('App\FloorTile');

I have tried this:我试过这个:

$purchase = Purchase::where('factoryName', $factoryName)->with('inventory.slab')->get();

The result is as follows:结果如下:

  "id": 36,
  "fname": "Sama",
  "lname": "Jojo",
  "factoryName": "Sama Inc.",
  "cnic": "3216542",
  "area": "Johar town",
  "city": "Lahore",
  "province": "Punjab",
  "phone1": "45678912345",
  "phone2": "45678912345",
  "inventory_ID": 10,
  "created_at": "2019-03-19 12:11:45",
  "updated_at": "2019-03-19 12:11:45",
  "inventory": {
    "id": 10,
    "purchase_id": 36,
    "marbleType": "1",
    "totalSquareFt": 25,
    "priceperSquareFt": 230,
    "totalPurchasePrice": 25000,
    "standardSize_ID": "5",
    "salePrice": 250,
    "miliMeter": "6mm",
    "slab_ID": 1,
    "scarting_ID": null,
    "floorTile_ID": null,
    "created_at": "2019-03-19 12:11:45",
    "updated_at": "2019-03-19 12:11:45",
    "slab": null

Even there is data available against slab but still its showing NULL.即使有数据可用于平板,但仍显示为 NULL。

It would be easier for you if your records were slab_id and not slab_ID this way Laravel would do it for you, however you have not followed Laravel's naming convention which is fine but you'll have to tell Laravel that you're using your own naming conventions and it will pick it up just fine.如果您的记录是slab_id而不是slab_ID这样Laravel会为您做这件事对您来说会更容易,但是您没有遵循Laravel 的命名约定,这很好,但您必须告诉Laravel 您正在使用自己的命名约定,它会很好地接受它。 I've provided an example below.我在下面提供了一个例子。

public function slab()
    return $this->hasOne('App\Slab', 'id', 'slab_ID');

$this->hasOne('App\\Model', 'foreign_key', 'local_key');

The foreign key is the primary key of the model you're trying to retrieve and the local_key is the reference of what it's called in this model, usually model_id and in this case would be slab_ID .外键是您尝试检索的模型的主键, local_key 是它在此模型中调用的引用,通常是model_id ,在这种情况下是slab_ID

local_key = $this->id and foreign_key = App\\Slab in this case.在这种情况下, local_key = $this->idforeign_key = App\\Slab

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