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[英]Implement async/await node.js and mysql

I need to do a truncate of a table and then wait to start populate again, I must implement async/await otherwise is not working good. 我需要截断一个表,然后等待再次开始填充,我必须实现async / await,否则将无法正常工作。

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? I try with await on truncateCharfileWorldSaveTable and using async on that function but I don't understand how to make it work. 我尝试在truncateCharfileWorldSaveTable使用await并在该函数上使用async ,但是我不知道如何使其工作。

async function truncateCharfileWorldSaveTable(){
    let query = 'TRUNCATE charfiles_worldsave'

    await db.get().query(query, function (err, result, fields) {
        if (err) console.error('function truncateCharfileWorldSaveTable: ' + err);
        console.info('Tabla charfiles_worldsave_temporal TRUNCATE');

exports.backupCharfiles = async function(req, res) {
    try {

        //Primero borramos todo el contenido de la tabla e iniciamos el proceso
        await truncateCharfileWorldSaveTable()

        console.info('==== INICIANDO COPIA DE CHARFILES POR WORLDSAVE ======')
        let files = fs.readdirSync('./charfiles/');
        files = files.filter(file => file.endsWith('.chr'));
        res.status(200).send('Se estan guardando los charfiles en la base de datos');

    } catch(err) {
        console.error('function backupCharfiles: ' + err)

awaiting a function that takes callbacks does nothing. 等待接受回调的函数无济于事。 await needs a promise to work, and if you want to convert a callback-based function to Promise style function util.promisfy might help here. await需要一个承诺才能工作,如果要将基于回调的函数转换为Promise样式函数util.promisfy可能会有所帮助。

However, there's also the mysql2 package, which is pretty great. 但是,还有mysql2软件包,它非常棒。 You can require mysql2/promise instead of mysql which will turn all callback-based functions into awaitable promise-style functions. 您可以要求使用mysql2/promise而不是mysql ,这样会将所有基于回调的函数转换为可等待的promise样式函数。

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