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[英]How to fix: Sorting method

Here is my method that handles sorting an array of strings这是我处理字符串数组排序的方法

func bucketNameGenerator(player1Id: String, player2Id: String) -> String { 
    var bucketName : String =  ""
    var uniqueBucketID = [String]()

    uniqueBucketID = [player1Id, player2Id]

    let sortedUniqueBucketID = uniqueBucketID.sorted(by: <)

    bucketName = sortedUniqueBucketID.joined().replacingOccurrences(of: "$", with: "")

    print("[bucketNameGenerator] bucketName: \(bucketName)")

    return String(bucketName)

The two string values aren't pure strings they contain number values as well.这两个字符串值不是纯字符串,它们也包含数字值。 this way of sorting does not return the same value each time.这种排序方式不会每次都返回相同的值。 Need suggestions on improvement here / directed down a path to create an asymmetric string each time.需要改进这里的建议/每次都指向一条创建非对称字符串的路径。

Example Expected Results:示例预期结果:

player1Id : 123jinrk1412941jdlndma
player2Id: 49812u4jldanec192hce12n

expected result both combined and sorted in an ascending order :

The above example isn't correctly sorted but the goal is to get a string that is the same every-time the method runs with two inputted values.上面的示例没有正确排序,但目标是在每次使用两个输入值运行该方法时获得相同的字符串。

Calling sorted for just two items is overkill.只为两个项目sorted的调用是矫枉过正的。

To consider numeric values compare the strings with option numeric要考虑数值, compare字符串与选项numeric compare

func bucketNameGenerator(player1Id: String, player2Id: String) -> String {
    let result : String
    if player1Id.compare(player2Id, options: .numeric) == .orderedAscending {
        result = player1Id + player2Id
    } else {
        result = player2Id + player1Id
    return result.replacingOccurrences(of: "$", with: "")

Maybe you intended to use > ?也许您打算使用>

func bucketNameGenerator(player1Id: String, player2Id: String) -> String {
    let uniqueBucketID = [player1Id, player2Id]

    let sortedUniqueBucketID = uniqueBucketID.sorted(by: >)

    let bucketName = sortedUniqueBucketID.joined().replacingOccurrences(of: "$", with: "")

    return bucketName

Or simpler :或者更简单:

func bucketNameGenerator(player1Id: String, player2Id: String) -> String {

    let output = player1Id < player2Id ?
    player2Id + player1Id : player1Id + player2Id

    return output.replacingOccurrences(of: "$", with: "")

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