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MSVC编译器从if / else语句反汇编代码

[英]MSVC compiler disassembly code from if/else statement

I have a general question about how MSVC generates machine code regarding to else statement. 我有一个关于MSVC如何生成关于else语句的机器代码的一般问题。

A simple exmaple here: 这里有个简单的例子:

1 bool is_zero(int num) {
2    if (num)
3        return false;
4    else
5        return true;
6 }

and its disassembly code looks like 它的反汇编代码看起来像

; Listing generated by Microsoft (R) Optimizing Compiler Version 19.20.27508.1 

; Function compile flags: /Odtp
num$ = 8
bool is_zero(int) PROC ; is_zero
; File C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\compiler-explorer-compiler11943-18164-1cmj5fb.ujww\example.cpp
; Line 1
  mov DWORD PTR [rsp+8], ecx
; Line 2
  cmp DWORD PTR num$[rsp], 0
  je SHORT $LN2@is_zero
; Line 3
  xor al, al
  jmp SHORT $LN1@is_zero
; Line 4
  jmp SHORT $LN3@is_zero
; Line 5
  mov al, 1
; Line 6
  ret 0
bool is_zero(int) ENDP ; is_zero

Question is: will the line jmp SHORT $LN3@is_zero (corresponding to the 4th line else keyword) get executed? 问题是:将执行jmp SHORT $LN3@is_zero (对应于第4行else关键字)吗?

is there any good reason MSVC generates such code? MSVC生成此类代码有什么充分的理由吗?

It's unoptimized code. 这是未优化的代码。 That line 4 jmp corresponds to the jump from the if body past the else body. 第4行jmp对应于从if主体到else主体的跳转。 In this case it is never executed. 在这种情况下,它永远不会执行。 Enable optimizations and it will go away. 启用优化,它将消失。

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