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[英]Rcpp error comparing a DateVector element with a Date

The following Rcpp function doesn't compile: 以下Rcpp函数无法编译:

// [[Rcpp::export]]
bool dateProb(DateVector dateVec, Date date) {
  return (dateVec[0] < date);

I get the error message: 我收到错误消息:

Use of overloaded operator '<' is ambiguous (with operand types 'typename storage_type<14>::type' (aka 'double') and 'Rcpp::Date) 重载运算符“ <”的使用是模棱两可的(操作数类型为“ typename storage_type <14> :: type”(又名“ double”)和“ Rcpp :: Date”)

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? Why doesn't dateVec[0] have the type Rcpp::Date ? 为什么dateVec[0]具有Rcpp::Date类型?

Well, an Rcpp::DateVector is not a vector of Rcpp::Date s, but is a class derived from Rcpp::NumericVector (see here ). 嗯, Rcpp::DateVector不是Rcpp::Date的向量,而是一个派生自Rcpp::NumericVector (请参见此处 )。 This makes sense considering R's own internal treatment of date vectors: 考虑到R对日期向量的内部处理,这是有道理的:

# [1] "REALSXP"

So, it may seem surprising at first, but is no real impediment. 因此,乍一看似乎令人惊讶,但这并不是真正的障碍。 You can just do this: 您可以这样做:

#include <Rcpp.h>

using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
bool dateProb(DateVector dateVec, Date date) {
    Date date2 = dateVec(0);
    return (date2 < date);

This compiles just fine, and gives the expected answer from R: 这样编译就可以了,并给出了R的预期答案:

x <- as.Date("2019/05/04")
y <- as.Date("2019/05/03")
dateProb(x, y)
# [1] FALSE

dateProb(y, x)
# [1] TRUE

If what you actually want is a vector of Rcpp::Date s, that can be achieved easily as well using the member function getDates() : 如果您真正想要的是Rcpp::Date的向量,则可以使用成员函数getDates()轻松实现:

// [[Rcpp::export]]
bool dateProb(DateVector dateVec, Date date) {
    Date date2 = dateVec(0);
    std::vector<Date> newdates = dateVec.getDates();
    Rcpp::Rcout << (newdates[0] < date) << "\n";
    return (date2 < date);

/*** R
x <- as.Date("2019/05/04")
y <- as.Date("2019/05/03")
dateProb(x, y)
dateProb(y, x)

> x <- as.Date("2019/05/04")

> y <- as.Date("2019/05/03")

> dateProb(x, y)

> dateProb(y, x)
[1] TRUE

Or by just specifying that as your input: 或仅将其指定为输入:

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
bool dateProb(std::vector<Date> dateVec, Date date) {
    return (dateVec[0] < date);

/*** R
x <- as.Date("2019/05/04")
y <- as.Date("2019/05/03")
dateProb(x, y)
dateProb(y, x)

> x <- as.Date("2019/05/04")

> y <- as.Date("2019/05/03")

> dateProb(x, y)

> dateProb(y, x)
[1] TRUE

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