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找不到用户Ranger Kylin插件集成错误

[英]User not found Error in Ranger Kylin plugin integration

I am working on Ranger Kylin plugin installation. 我正在安装Ranger Kylin插件。 And I have completed the plugin installation. 我已经完成了插件安装。 Ranger is showing Kylin services and policy on its web page. 游骑兵在其网页上显示Kylin服务和政策。 Ranger admin UI is successfully connected with kylin and policy cache json file in etc/ranger is also created. Ranger管理员UI已成功与kylin连接,并且还在etc / ranger中创建了策略缓存json文件。 I have also updated kylin.properties file with "kylin.server.external-acl-provider". 我还用“ kylin.server.external-acl-provider”更新了kylin.properties文件。

Now, when I create a new user using ranger admin UI and give permission to this user on kylin policy. 现在,当我使用Ranger管理员UI创建新用户并向该用户授予有关kylin策略的权限时。 After that using the same user I am not able login in Kylin GUI. 之后,使用同一用户,我将无法在Kylin GUI中登录。

I have checked logs and it says User not found. 我已经检查了日志,并说找不到用户。 Only spring security code is in exception, No ranger code stack trace is available in exception. 只有Spring安全代码例外,没有Ranger代码堆栈跟踪可用。 I guess, Kylin is not switched to ranger auth. 我猜,麒麟没有切换到护林员身份验证。

Do I need to add more properties in kylin.properties to switch on Ranger policy? 我需要在kylin.properties中添加更多属性以打开Ranger策略吗? So, Kylin can authenticate using ranger users? 那么,麒麟可以使用护林员用户进行身份验证吗?

I think the Ranger Plugin for Kylin only manages the authorization, not authentication. 我认为Ranger for Kylin插件仅管理授权,而不管理身份验证。 That means, the newly added user in Ranger, still not exists in Kylin. 这意味着,在Ranger中新添加的用户在Kylin中仍然不存在。 You can manually add that in Kylin user repository. 您可以在Kylin用户存储库中手动添加。

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