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Android 对火车的 Activity/Transition 识别准确度如何?

[英]How accurate is Android's Activity/Transition recognition for trains?

I'm developing an application that should be able to detect when a user has got on a mode of public transport, such as a train or bus.我正在开发一个应用程序,它应该能够检测到用户何时乘坐了某种公共交通工具,例如火车或公共汽车。

I've seen the Activity and Transition API made by Google, but all of the references to the "IN_VEHICLE" activity are in the context of cars.我看过谷歌制作的 Activity 和 Transition API,但所有对“IN_VEHICLE”活动的引用都是在汽车的上下文中。

I realise it won't distinguish the differenfe between a car or train, but will it say the user is in a vehicle when they are on a train?我意识到它不会区分汽车或火车之间的区别,但是当他们在火车上时,它会说用户在车里吗?

It's pretty accurate these days, even for trains.如今,它非常准确,即使对于火车也是如此。 I'm a developer for the NumberEight Context SDK , and I regularly run side-by-side comparisons of our solution to Google's solution.我是NumberEight Context SDK的开发人员,我经常将我们的解决方案与 Google 的解决方案进行并排比较。 We have the edge on detection speed, and our accuracy is generally a bit better for everything except cycling, but theirs definitely works well on trains.我们在检测速度方面具有优势,除了骑自行车之外,我们的准确度通常要好一些,但他们的准确度在火车上绝对有效。

Some time in the future, we will release the ability to be specific about which type of vehicle the user is in (it's currently undergoing testing, ~70-80% F1 score), so do check us out!在未来的某个时候,我们将发布具体说明用户所在车辆类型的功能(目前正在测试中,F1 分数约为 70-80%),所以请查看我们! Here are some iOS and Android example projects.以下是一些iOSAndroid示例项目。

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