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[英]Hibernate exceptions keep getting handled by RuntimeException.class rather than HibernateException.class

I have a ControllerAdvice set up, with two exception handlers; 我有一个ControllerAdvice设置,有两个异常处理程序; one for any Hibernate exception (HibernateException.class) and one for any other Runtime exception (RuntimeException.class) 一个用于任何Hibernate异常(HibernateException.class),一个用于任何其他运行时异常(RuntimeException.class)

public String handleHibernateException(HibernateException exc, Model theModel) {

    String message = "An error has occured: " + exc.getLocalizedMessage() + "\r\n";


    theModel.addAttribute("exception", message);

    return "testing";

public String handleRuntimeExceptions(RuntimeException exc, Model theModel) {

    if (exc instanceof HibernateException) {

        return handleHibernateException((HibernateException) exc.getCause(), theModel);

    String message = "An error has occured: " + exc.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n"
            + exc.getCause().getCause().toString() + "\r\n";

    theModel.addAttribute("exception", message);

    return "testing";

I'm testing this out by messing up my query statements, which gives me a QuerySyntaxException; 我正在通过搞乱我的查询语句来测试它,这给了我一个QuerySyntaxException; a subclass of HibernateException. HibernateException的子类。 And yet, it is still handled by my Runtime exception method. 然而,它仍由我的运行时异常方法处理。

我认为@ExceptionHandler完全匹配了QuerySyntaxException的Exact Exception名称。您可以尝试使用QuerySyntaxException。


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