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在Intellij中找到lombok生成的getter / setter的用法

[英]Find usages of lombok generated getter/setter in Intellij

I have a field with lombok annotation ( @Setter ) and I am looking for an easy way to find usages of the auto generated setter. 我有一个带有@Setter注释的字段( @Setter ),我正在寻找一种简单的方法来查找自动生成的setter的用法。

When I put the cursor on the @Setter annotation and run Find usages (Alt+F7) I obviously get all the places where @Setter annotation is used (the result is all classes which contains lines with @Setter ) 当我将光标放在@Setter注释上并运行Find usages @Setter (Alt + F7)时,我显然得到了使用@Setter注释的所有位置(结果是所有包含@Setter行的类)

However I would like to find all places where this concrete setter, for this concrete field is used (I expect all classes which contains lines with setSomething(...) as a result) 但是我想找到这个具体setter的所有地方,对于这个具体的字段使用(我希望所有包含setSomething(...)行的类作为结果)

I have Annotation Processing enabled (checkbox "Enable annotation processing" in Settings->Compiler->Annotation Processors is checked). 我启用了注释处理(选中Settings->Compiler->Annotation Processors复选框“启用注释处理”)。
I also have Lombok plugin installed and it works fine. 我也安装了Lombok插件,它工作正常。


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