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[英]connect: connection timed out

I have successfully connected to a Postgres database using the go sql package: 我已经使用go sql包成功连接到Postgres数据库:

db, err := sql.Open("postgres", connStr)

I then use the returned database to execute a (long running) query: 然后,我使用返回的数据库执行(长期运行)查询:

rows, err := db.Query(...)

And am getting the error: 并得到错误:

dial tcp xx.xxx.xxx.xx:5432: connect: connection timed out

I have a couple of questions regarding this: 我对此有两个问题:

  1. why is the connection timing out? 为什么连接超时?
  2. is there anything I can do to prevent it timing out? 我有什么办法可以防止它超时?

sql.Open() may just validate its arguments without creating a connection to the database. sql.Open()可以仅验证其参数, 而无需创建与数据库的连接 To verify that the data source name is valid, call Ping . 要验证数据源名称是否有效, 请调用Ping

The sql.Open() function has only created an object, your pool is currently empty. sql.Open()函数仅创建了一个对象,您的池当前为空。 In simple words connection with the database hasn't been established yet. 简而言之,尚未建立与数据库的连接。

You need to call db.Ping() to make sure your pool has a working connection. 您需要调用db.Ping()来确保您的池具有有效的连接。


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