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[英]Prevent splitting Window when using pythoncomplete in Vim

I'm using VIM with pythoncomplete. 我正在使用带有pythoncomplete的VIM。 When I'm making a completion, the current window is splitted and calltips are shown in the upper pane. 当我完成时,当前窗口被拆分,并且上部窗格中显示了calltips。 I hate that! 我讨厌那个! Is there a way to prevent that behavior or at least limit the size of the upper pane automaticly? 有没有办法防止这种行为或至少自动限制上部窗格的大小?

You need to do something like: 你需要做一些事情:

set completeopt-=preview

This will prevent the opening of the preview window. 这将阻止打开预览窗口。

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